Chapter 39

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—at the dinner table—
"Hey Sam, I have something pretty important to ask you." Nik said as she out her fork down, finished with her food.
"What is it, Nikky?" Sam asked after finishing the bite of food in his mouth.
"Bucky and I have been talking and we haven't yet picked godparents for Seb.. we were wondering if you would do us the honor of being his godfather? You're already so great with him, I know you're a very loyal and kind person among other great qualities. I know you'd be a great father some day. So we would like for you to be Seb's godfather, if you'd like to of course." She said, her hands folded in her lap beside me. An enormous grin spread across Sam's face and he beeline over to Nik, pulling her up from her chair into a hug.
"I would be so honored! Thank you so much! Both of you!" He beamed with excitement. Steve sat back and just smiled.
"Come on now, bring it in, Bucky!" Sam said as he turned to me, his arms open and waiting for me to hug him. I smiled and stood to hug him.
"Thank you, man. I truly am honored to be asked. You know I would never put that sweet boy in any harm." He said to me and patted my back before pulling away.
"I also have a question for either of you to answer to.. Bucky and I are in desperate need of at least a day or two of some alone time.. if either of you are willing, we would love it and appreciate it so much if one of you could take Seb for a couple days.." Nik asked, looking between Steve and Sam.
"Ooh! I call dibs!" Both of them said at the same time, then turning to one another with glares.
"Wait, you've got the food source, how would we feed him?" Steve piped up, breaking his glare from Sam.
"I've decided to switch over to formula. It's causing me too much pain to continue breastfeeding. Maybe a little TMI for both of you but I'm incredibly swollen and bruised. That boy has an intense bite considering he doesn't even have teeth yet." She said and sat down in my lap, my arms subconsciously wrapping around her securely.
"Well alright then. Sam, I have an offer. How about I take him for 2 days, and you take him for another 2. Then we can all meet up and have dinner. How does that sound?" Steve suggested and we all exchanged looked before agreeing to the plan.
"Alright then, you both can stay here tonight and then tomorrow morning I will get a bag packed for Seb." She smiled and stood up to start clearing the table. Sam, Steve and myself helping. Putting any left overs into containers and putting them in the fridge, tossing the empty takeout containers in the trash.
Seb started to cry from his nursery and all 4 of us started to make our way there.
"No no, you two go sit down and relax. We got this." Sam said and put his hands on our shoulders to stop us.
"Thank you." Nik said and we both headed to sit on the couch. Except she opted for my lap instead of the couch itself. Instinctively, I wrapped my arms around her, leaning my head onto her shoulder.

After awhile, the 4 of us sit in the living room just watching movies. Occasionally, Steve or Sam will get up to add a log to the fire.
Nik was first to fall asleep. I said good night to the boys and took her to our bedroom, laying down beside her. As she always does, she curled into me for extra comfort. I've noticed she doesn't sleep very well without touching me. And I don't sleep well without her touching me. She makes the nightmares go away. On top of that, I simply don't like not being around her. When she's not around, I feel like a part of me is missing.

-the next morning-
I woke up and Nik had already gotten up for the morning. Seeing as she wasn't in bed beside me and I could hear the shower running. I smiled and stood up, stripping myself of my clothes before entering the bathroom. I could hear Steve and Sam giggling from the living and knew the coast would be clear. I closed the door behind me and stepped into the shower with Nik.
"Good morning to you too." She smiled, turning around to face me.
"Morning, darling." I said back as I pulled her in for a kiss. Her hands slipping into my hair, deepening the kiss. A hunger filling both our bodies. Quickly, I lifted her up and pushed her back against the shower wall. Her legs positioning themselves around my waist. She bit down on my shoulder as I pushed myself into her, a small gasp escaping her just before biting down again.
Having not had sex in awhile due to not sleeping, it didn't take long before we both came. Her head falling back to the shower wall. I kissed her collarbone, her neck, and then her lips. Lingering for a few moments before setting her back down on her own 2 feet. We finished actually showering and got out. I put on a pair of black jeans and a T-shirt while she did the same. Of course stealing one of my shirts. I don't mind, she looks better in my clothes than I do.
"I'm gonna go start packing things for Seb's sleepovers at Steve and Sam's." I said and kissed her neck before walking out to let her finish brushing her hair.
I walked into Seb's nursery and grabbed a bag from the closet. I added a couple packs of wipes and diapers, then moved on to clothes. Making sure to add socks, mittens, and hats in case they go out for anything.
"Don't forget to add diaper rash cream and the nose thing in case they need it." Nik said from the doorway, watching me.
"Right. Almost forgot, thank you." I said and grabbed the items she mentioned, adding them to the bag. She walked over and checked inside the bag.
"You never know if he'll have a blowout so always make sure to add extra clothes." She said and added a few more outfits. We finished packing the bag together and took it to the living room.

The 4 of us talked for awhile before we kissed our son goodbye and they left. Nik and I spent a little while cleaning up the house and talking before we ended up snuggled together on the couch.

Later that evening after we had ate dinner and we had sex 3 more times around the house.. it's been awhile, leave me alone. I had an idea and I couldn't keep it to myself anymore.
"So I have an idea." I said, looking down at Nik who has her head in my lap. She's got on just panties and one of my shirts. God I love her like this.
"Hmm? What's your idea, babe?" She asked, turning away from the tv to look at me.
"Let's get married. Before the guys do the time travel thing for the stones, let's get married. Invite everyone. We can have it here. I'm sure Shuri would love to set it all up. She's been asking almost every week when we would get married cause she wants to help set up. In case something happens, I want everyone to see our wedding." I said and stroked her hair. A big smile spreading across her face as she sits up.
"That's perfect. Let's do it." She beamed with excitement and straddled my lap, her arms around my neck.
And just like that... round 5.

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