Chapter 22

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"Wake up you two, we have to get to the others!" Strange yelled and I opened my eyes. Everything looks the same except it's just us.
"Nik, you alright?" I asked as I sat up and turned to her. She grabbed my hand and her eyes popped open.
"Bucky, I don't feel right. I don't... is there..." she's frantic for a moment and then settles.
"Never mind. It's gone. Im okay. What happened? Where is everyone?" She asked, standing up with me and looking at Strange.
"No time to explain, let's go." He says and Sam comes flying in, landing next to us.
"Good to see you, Sam." She said and he smiled.
"You too, Nicole." He said.
Strange opened a portal and gave Sam a look.
"Hey Cap, can you hear me?" He asked over coms as we approached the portal.
"On your left." He said and went flying through, Nicole and I following. What we walked into... it was another Avengers compound, except this one has been completely leveled. Thor is down, Tony down, I don't see anyone else except Steve. He's got Thor's old hammer and his shield in hand.
"I thought the old hammer was destroyed?" I said to Nik and she looked over to see what I was talking about.
"So did I? I have so many questions right now but I don't think I'm gonna get answers right now." She said and subconsciously grabbed my hand.
Portal after portal opening all around us with more troops coming through. Wakandan's, Asgardians, more of Dr. Strange's people, and so many more.
"Do me a favor?" She asked, stopping in her tracks and looking up at me. I turned to her.
"Anything." I said.
"Don't die." She said.
"I won't. So long as you don't. Without you, there is no me. Right?" I said and smiled at her, cupping her face and pulling her closer to mine.
"Without you, there is no me." She whispered back before we kissed. A feeling of desperation going through me.
"Now, let's kick some ass." She said as Thanos summoned an army of crazy creatures.

"Avengers!!!" Steve yelled as he came to stand beside us.
"Assemble." He finished and everyone started running and flying towards Thanos's army.

Bucky picked up a gun and started shooting, throwing punches to anything that missed a bullet. Steve and Thor switching back and forth from hammer and axe. Sam and Tony taking out as many flyers as they could. Clint shooting arrows left and right, fighting when an enemy was too close. Everyone doing everything they can to get to the stones.
Nicole getting closer and closer with the training from Bucky. Knocking people out left and right.
Bucky got to Thanos, super soldier kicking the crap out of him and throwing full Winter Soldier power punches into him. Nicole saw and and started making her way through to go help. Half way there, she sees Thanos grab Bucky by the legs and throw him into a fallen ship. He didn't get back up. She crumbled to the ground, feeling her core begin to burn like it did earlier. A vibration running through her veins.
Bucky opened his eyes, noticing her in the distance. A dark blue aura forming around her and growing. Steve approached Bucky to help him up and noticed Nicole as well.
"What's happening to her?" He would ask Bucky. But Bucky didn't know. Except.... He had seen her eyes glowing before. And the shade of blue they glowed... was the exact same color as the serum they both were injected with.
Nicole stood up, feeling something she had never seen before. Anger building more and more. A calm settling briefly as she saw Bucky on his feet again. She could see the aura around her and somehow knew what it was for. 
Turning her focus back to Thanos who has a very concerned and confused look on his face.

"Thanos!" She yelled as she came to the top of a tall hill overlooking Thanos. He turned to her, smiling now.
"Aww, did I hurt your little boyfriend? What are you going to do about it?" He said in return. Bucky standing just below the hill, ready to attack again.
"Oh you don't understand. You may have gotten that throw in. But now?" She looked down at Bucky briefly, their eyes meeting briefly before she looked back to Thanos.
"He's untouchable." She said and the blue aura deprecated into 2, the second bubble shooting down the Bucky and forming an invisible blue shield around him. She jumped down from the hill and landed beside Bucky.
That was hot. Bucky thought to himself. And since him and Nicole are now connected through the aura, she heard him think that and smirked as she looked at him.
"Get the gauntlet. I'll keep him still she said to not just Bucky, but Steve and Tony too who were standing near enough to hear her. Both in completely awe of what just happened.
With a flick of her wrist, she had Thanos glued to the ground and unable to move.
"How are you doing this? You're just a mortal!" Thanos yelled in frustration.
"Couldn't tell ya. But you hurt him. And that pissed me off enough to bring it out." She said in return.
Bucky locked his metal arm around the gauntlet like before as Steve and Tony both grabbed hold of it. All 3 men pulling at the gauntlet until it finally came off.
"Get behind me, I don't know just how powerful this is going to be!" Nicole yelled to the men and they listened. Running with the gauntlet to stand behind her. Bucky standing directly behind her instead. Grabbing her around her waist to give her the extra power from the shield she put on him.

"Hey! Asshole!" She yelled at Thanos. He turned back to her form watching his army.
"I don't need a couple of stones to turn you to ash." She said and with a simple snap of her fingers, Thanos along with every single one of his troops exploded in a cloud of dust.

With all of her energy drained, Nicole passed out. Thankfully, Bucky was right there to catch her.
Steve, Tony, Thor, and everyone else watched as the creature they were fighting exploded into clouds of dust.
"Is she okay?" Steve asked Bucky as he ran towards them.
"She's still breathing. But I don't know yet if that means she's okay. We gotta get her somewhere safe. I don't know what kind of power that was, but what I do know is there will be people wanting to throw her in a lab and I will not let that happen. Over my dead body." Bucky said as he picked her up in his arms.
"Then go. Take her somewhere safe. Get out of here. Don't tell anyone where you are. Not even me. Go, Bucky. Keep her safe." Steve said quietly to Bucky.
"You want this. Ditch it as soon as you can so you can't be tracked." Steve said and handed him a set of keys.
"Over the hill. Go. Go now." Steve said and Bucky ran. He ran with Nicole in his arms. Stopping only when he got to a car in a parking lot just outside of where the compound had been. He put Nicole in the front seat and buckled her in before getting in the drivers seat himself and started driving.

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