Chapter 36

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After awhile of mingling among the others, I went in the kitchen to start putting the food together. Bringing plates and bowls to the dining table.
I was setting the turkey down on the table when all the chatter stopped. Confused, I walked out to the living room and had to stop my own jaw from dropping. Nik had finally come to join us.
She has on this cocktail dress that's black on one side and red the other. It looks like it's made out of the same material a suit is made of. Her hair curled, the blonde and brunette colors mixing very well on her. She's got these simple yet stunning black heels on too, just making me want to take her to the bedroom right now.
"Wow... Nik.. you're.. you look absolutely stunning." I finally managed to speak as I walked towards her, putting my hands on her waist as I quickly kissed her. Not wanting to get myself too riled up in front of everyone.
"Thank you, Bucky." She smiled and her eyes flashed purple, which meant a vision. I pulled us both to lean against the wall just before the vision took over but it didn't last long. The vision was very short. Just a quick blip of someone walking up to our front door. We came back to and Nik smiled even bigger, quickly making her way to the front door.

"You two alright? Those usually last longer. Or at least they did." Sam asked, referring to the vision.
"Oh yeah. It was just a quick little blip. Our last guest has arrived." I said just as there was a knock at the door. I knew Nik was already there to open the door so I didn't bother walking over there. Allowing her to have a moment with her brother.

—Nik's POV—
Bucky and I came back to from the quick vision and I couldn't help but smile even bigger than I already was. The vision was of Steve walking to our front door. He's here. He actually came. Quickly, I made a beeline for the front door. Eager to see my brother for the first time in almost a year.
He knocked on the door just moments after I got to it and I opened it, immediately going in to hug him. His arms wrapping around me and squeezing tightly.
"God I've missed you so much, Nikky." He said, rocking me side to side in the hug.
"I've missed you too, Steve. Where have you been? I've tried calling but you haven't been answering." I said, pulling back from the hug and stepping inside, him following.
"I've been pretty busy helping with the rebuild of the Time Machine. I'm so sorry I haven't called back, honestly I just didn't want to drag you or Buck into any of this. You two have a life now. An amazing one at that. I didn't want you to just drop it all." He said in that sincere tone he often has.
"Steve, just because we have a life now doesn't mean we have to drop it just to help out. T'Challa has made it known that we are always welcome to leave Seb with him if ever there is a time when we are needed. He's honestly been so great to us. I can see why Wakanda loves him so much. Cause so do we. We owe him a lot just for helping us with this." I said and gestured to the house.
"It is a beautiful home he set up for you guys. I should have visited before now. And I'm so sorry that I haven't." He said and hugged me once more.
"Would you like to meet your nephew?" I asked, glancing in the direction of the living room where I can hear T'Challa fighting to keep his turn in holding Seb.
"Yes. Very much." He said and followed me out to the living room.
"Hey! Steve, you made it! Bruce belted out, already pretty tipsy.
"Hey, man." Bucky said as he approached Steve and they hugged each other.
"Hey Buck. How you been? Parenthood treating you alright?" Steve asked.
"Oh yeah. It's been great. Nik is an amazing mom, man. I mean, we only got maybe 3 hours of sleep and in total this week maybe 8 and she doesn't even look like she's missed a wink of sleep." Bucky said, causing a smile from me.
I walked over to T'Challa who happily handed Seb over to me, causing an eruption of aww from everyone who hasn't had the chance to hold him yet. I walked over to Steve and Bucky. Bucky leaned down to kiss Seb on the forehead before I handed him over to a now very eager Steve. He took Seb in his arms and settled himself down in a chair next to the tree.
"Hey little guy. You know, when I was just a kid I always loved Christmas lights. The many different colors always intrigued me." Steve said, talking to Seb. I grabbed Bucky's hand and leaned against him. His arm wrapping around my waist as he kissed the top of my head.
"I see you like the lights too. Just like Uncle Steve." Steve smiled and Seb grabbed at his finger, gripping it tightly.
"Well hey, foods ready. Go ahead and dig in, everyone." Bucky said and pointed in the direction of the dining room where I only just noticed he set everything up.
"Aww, Bucky.. thank you for that. I was going to do it." I said as I looked up at him.
"It was no problem. I was happy to let you have your time in the shower. You don't get that very often." He said, squeezing my hand lightly. We moved to go sit on the couch while everyone but Steve got up to get food. I leaned my head against Bucky's shoulder.

We all sat and talked for awhile, I had to take a moment to feed Seb but came back out and gave him back to Steve when we were done. I took my place next to Bucky again and put my head back on his shoulder.

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