Chapter 29

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—Nicole's POV—
I finished putting the outfit on and looked at myself. I look like the female version of the winter soldier. I put my other clothes in the bag Sam gave me and set it to the side, knocking on the door to let Bucky know I was ready. I knew he was standing guard, I could feel him close.

The door slid open and all eyes were on me. Bucky's in particular.
"Now I see why you love the metal arm so much." He said as he pulled me into his arms.
"It's pretty hot." He whispered in my ear, making me blush.
"Nikky, you look great. That look suits you." Steve said and smiled at me.
"There she is. The second winter soldier. The metal plated sleeve to match with her fiancé's real one. Sam, how did you get it to look just like his new arm, wouldn't you have had to go to Wakanda for that?" Strange asked as he took my metal plated arm in his. Admiring it.
"I did. T'Challa sends his regards by the way. I called in a favor before making my decision know to be on your side. I wanted to make sure you looked the part and thought it wouldn't be right with just plain metal. T'Challa was happy to help. He actually took the time to make it himself." Sam answered proudly.
"I take it he's on our side then?" Bucky asked, still staring at me.
"Yes. He wanted to be here but as King of Wakanda now, it's not always easy for him to get away." He said. I could feel another vision coming on and gripped Bucky's arm tightly just before it started playing in my head.

—Steve's POV—
I noticed Nicole grab tightly to Bucky's arm just before her eyes turned purple along with his. Both of them going into a trance.
"What.. what the hell is that?" Clint asked as he waved a hand in front of their faces.
"Ahh, she gets the visions now. That was rather quick. I didn't think that would happen for at least a few months." Strange spoke up.
"Visions? What do you mean?" Sam asked.
"Along with the protection aura that she has, there are other abilities still hidden. I explained before a bit about them. Whether it's just a glimpse into their future, a dream, or even now it could be the baby dreaming, she can see it. And since Bucky is her one and only true connection, he too sees them. No matter where they are, close by or apart, both will always see them. Which is why his eyes glow too. Nicole's aura doesn't have to be surrounding him for this to work." Strange explained, stepping closer to admire their eyes.

"Sorry about that, I haven't figured out how to control that one yet." Nicole said as their eyes returned to normal.
"It's not a problem at all. However if you'd like, I can make it so they hold back during the most likely fight with Tony and his men. That way we don't lose 2 of ours." Strange said.
"You can do that? I thought you could only manipulate time and what not." She said, her head tilting slightly.
"Yes. And I can make it so the visions are delayed. I can hold them back for you until everything is over. You two might be out for longer than usual if you get more than one during this whole thing but it is completely safe." He assured.
"Do it. I don't want any distractions out there if this does come to a fight." She said with absolute certainty in her voice. Strange walked up to both of them, touching one side of each of their heads. Green shimmering streams entering their heads, causing a green glow to both their eyes for a few seconds.
"It's done. It'll last for 2 hours. So hopefully this thing doesn't last that long." He said and patted both their shoulders.

A voice speaking in Russian sounded over a PA system.
"They're evacuating the airport." Bucky said. Him being the only one out of us to speak that language.
"Stark." I said and everyone turned to me.
"Suit up everyone." I said and picked up the bag Sam had given me.

—Bucky's POV—
Nicole and I got into the van so I could change, the other men waiting their turns.
"Are you ready for this?" She asked me, sitting in one of the seats, turned around to face me.
"No. You know I hate fighting now. But it doesn't matter if I hate if. If it means you and our baby are kept safe, I'd die for it." I said, buttoning my pants and moving on to switch jackets.
"Hey.." she said and climbed over the seat to stand in front of me, her hand on my chest.
"I won't let that happen." She said, her eyes scaling from my chest to my eyes. I smiled.
"I know you won't. But... there is something very dangerous that I'm gonna need your help with." I said, not zipping the jacket up yet, appreciating the warmth from her hand.
"Anything, my love." She said. I took a deep breath..
"If the winter soldier me has to be brought out today or at any other given time.. I need you to control him. I know we don't know much about your abilities just yet but I believe you could do it." I said, caressing her face in my hand.
"I'll do it. If he's a sort of you, and I mean truly a part of you... he'll listen to me. You should be able to stay in control, he'll just be.. like a sidekick in your mind." She said, sliding her hand up to my face.
"I love you. I won't let anything or anything hurt you or our baby." I said and kissed her. A red hot warmth showering over us briefly before we parted. I zipped up my jacket and we both left the van. Allowing the others to change as well.

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