Chapter 26

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"Don't hurt her! She's pregnant!" I yelled at the officers pinning us to the ground and putting handcuffs on us.
"She's what!?" Steve blurted out and Sam's mouth dropped open.
"She's pregnant, Steve. Don't fucking hurt her or I'll be forced to hurt you." I growled at him as officers hauled Nik and I into a high tek prison vehicle. Locking us both down in a chamber built into the back of it.

Nik and I stayed quiet the whole ride to some high end building where Tony and was waiting.

"Consequences? You're damn right there will be! Can you quote me on that? Of course you can, I just said it." I heard Tony say on the phone as they walked Nik and I past the office he was in.
"Separate them. They need to be evaluated separately." Some guy in a suit said. The officers pulled Nik into a different room and I in another.
"It's okay. We can still talk here." She said through our minds.
"Are you okay? How's mini Bucky?" I asked her.
"We're okay, my love. This aura shield protects all 3 of us just fine." She said back.

—Steve's POV—
"Tony, I need to tell you something." I said as I walked into the conference room. Having been removed of my suit and shield. Sam too.
"What is it? I thought the mission was to bring them in, not protect them, Steve. I understand she's your sister, but she's dangerous with unknown abilities." He said as he sat down at the table.
"Tony, she's pregnant." I said, still not believing it myself.
"She... she's what?" He questioned, his eyes widening as he turned to me.
"That's what Bucky said when they got pinned down by the police. Is there any way we can be sure of it?" I asked, watching the screen where my little sister sits bolted to a chair in a fiberglass chamber. I don't like this.
"Can we have a blood test run on Nicole? We need to clarify her pregnancy. Make sure if it's true or not." He asked as the Secretary walked in.
"She's what? They're making babies now?? You shouldn't have let them run in the first place! We could have avoided this!" He yelled and ordered an officer to go take a blood sample of Nicole's.
"Actually, they didn't have a choice but to make them run." Dr. Strange said as he appeared in the room via portal.
"Dr. Strange, care to enlighten me?" Secretary asked as he turned towards him.
Strange brought up a portal window like he had before except this one is different. This is our universe.
"You see, not just in this universe but in all of them... Nicole and Bucky are supposed to be together. They are a team. One that cannot be defeated. Nicole's abilities are NOT a danger to the world unless you have intent to harm her most precious loved ones. Right now, she could break out of that ridiculous box you have her in and be able to break Bucky out without even blinking. The only reason she won't, is because she is in protection mode. The serum they injected her with was a lot. More than any other wannabe super soldier has ever done. Including Bucky. As a matter of fact, he's had only 1 dose less than her. Her abilities go far beyond what you could possibly imagine. And she's only just begun figuring them out. Also, there is no need for a blood test. I can confirm myself that she is indeed pregnant." Strange explained and the picture changed in the window portal. Showing a blonde haired, blue eyes baby in her arms. Her hair only slightly different from what it is now. Grown out to show her blonde roots.
"Does the baby ever become dangerous?" Tony asks, watching the video play out.
"No. Not when the baby has Nicole and Bucky to guide them. The baby does have abilities, but with the right training and teaching, there is no danger ever to come from their offspring." Strange answered, closing the window portal.

"As I said before, you cannot break them apart. If it's danger you're worried about, this right here, what you're doing to them, will cause that. Do with this information as you may, but if I were in your shoes, I would release them immediately. Or there will be a fight. And you won't win." Strange said and created his portal to go back.
"Wait. Dr. Strange.. can you tell how far along she is?" I asked as he stepped through the portal just before closing it.
"She's about a month along. And the baby is very healthy. Both Nicole and Bucky will be incredible parents. Do not mess with their child. That outcome is a very bloody one. I must go. I've already said too much." He said and closed the portal.

"You have to let them go." I said as I turned to Tony and the secretary.
"Nope. I still don't believe it." Tony said as he watched Bucky's screen. A phycologist entering the room beginning to ask him questions. On Nicole's screen, a doctor enters and opens her box to take her blood but the needle shatters under the doctors hand. The braces holding her shatter around her as she gets out of the box. On Bucky's screen the same thing happens.

"She didn't even have to be in the room. Just like Strange said." I said and ran out of the room to go find them.
"Steve! Don't make me arrest you too! Don't you dare help them!" Tony yelled but I ignored him.
I made it down to sub-level 2 where they had been. Neither of them in sight.
I heard footsteps around the corner and ran towards them, almost running directly into Nicole.
"Steve, don't. Please don't make me hurt you." She said, her eyes glowing and Bucky coming up behind her, his arm wrapping around her waist as he places a kiss to the top of her head. Keeping his eyes on me the whole time.
"I'm not here to bring you back. I'm here to help." I said and the tension loosened up.
"Come on, I know a way out." I said and started running in the direction of an exit.

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