Chapter 35

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—Christmas Day/Bucky's POV—
On my way back home from getting a quick haircut thanks to Ayo and Nik calls.
"Hey, darling. I'm on my way back now. Should be there in 5 minutes. T'Challa, Ayo, and Shuri should be there shortly after me. They had to finish up something before leaving." I said, answering the phone.
"Alright love. I'm just getting Sebby changed and fed. Just wanted to check in to see where you were." She said and I could hear her going through drawers in her end of the call.
"Put him in something comfortable. Don't worry about dressing him up. He's likely just going to throw up or blowout all over it." I said and laughed.
"Ugh, you're right. Thank you." She said and I heard her open another drawer and close it.
"Well hey, I'll be home shortly. I'll see you soon, darling. I love you." I said, getting ready to hang up and turn down the road that leads to our house.
"I love you too." She said and we hung up.

I pulled into the driveway and parked.
I made my into the house and set my keys in the bowl on the table by the door and coat rack.
"Baby, I'm home." I said loudly and went straight over to the picture frame resting against the wall that Nik's been asking me to hang up for like 2 weeks now.
Nik walks out and puts Sebby in his swing that's in the corner by the Christmas tree. He likes the lights.
"Hey, you look handsome. I like the haircut." She said and ran her fingers through my hair.
"Thanks, I was getting tired of the long hair. You know how much I hate it." I said and turned to face her.
"Thank you for putting the picture up by the way. I know you've been busy with work and haven't had much time to do little things like this." She said and kissed me.
"You're welcome, darling. I try to do what I can when I am home though." I said as she pulled away from the kiss.
"You're doing just fine, love. I appreciate all that you do." She said, grazing my cheek with her thumb.
"Why dont you go shower and I'll watch Sebby." I suggested as I straighten the picture I had just hung.
"Thank you, I love you." She said and kissed me again before heading to our bedroom.
"I love you too!" I yelled back in her direction.

Since being in Wakanda, we've taken a lot of pictures. Wanting to make this place feel more like home. Looking back at them now all hung up nicely around the house, I can see how much I've changed because of her. I'm smiling in almost all of them. Shuri and Ayo helped us with some maternity pictures and those are more on the intimate side. Those ones don't all have me smiling in them.
We have pictures of Seb already too. Not many since he's only 2 weeks old now but I plan on taking more and more pictures of him as he grows. A knock at the door drew my attention away from the pictures. I walked over and opened the door.
"Hey man! Merry christmas!" Sam beamed with excitement.
"You too, man. Thanks for coming. You're actually first to arrive. And a little early seeing as Nik is still in the shower." I said and stepped aside to let him in.
"Ahh, no worries. I wanted to be early to see the little guy first before everyone else. I've always wanted kids but haven't found the right girl yet." He said as he took his jacket off and hung it on the coat rack by the door.
"Dude, this place is amazing. T'Challa really set you guys up." He said as he took everything in, stopping at the swing where Seb is staring at the Christmas tree.
"This must be him." He said and walked towards him.
"May I?" He asked, wanting to hold him.
"Of course. Stay by the tree though, he likes the lights." I said and sat down on the couch. Sam picked Seb up from his swing and cradled him in his arms.
"He looks just like you, Buck. How's Nik doing?" He asked, turning to face me but making sure Seb could still see the tree.
"She's doing great. She healed up pretty quick. There's still some pain when she's standing too long or bends over but otherwise, she's great. We're both so fucking tired though. Dude, did you know babies wake up every 2 hours to eat?" I said and watched as he cooed sf Seb.
"Oh yeah. My sister, Sarah has 2 boys and I was around for a bit when they were first boy so I helped out alot. Babies are tough for the first couple months until they start sleeping through the night." He said, looking over at me again. Another knock at the door bringing me to my feet. I walked over and opened it.
"Merry Christmas!!" Stephen, Clint, and Rhodes all said at the same time. I stepped aside, letting them come in. All 3 taking their jackets off and hanging them next to Sam's.
"Merry Christmas you guys. Thank you for coming. Please make yourself at home. Nik should be out shortly, she's in the shower." I said and went into the kitchen to get a drink.

I could hear them all gushing over Seb in the living room, trying to get Sam to give him up so they could hold him too but Sam not letting them. I chuckled and was heading back when someone else knocked on the door. I went over and opened it, revealing Tony.

"Hey, Barnes. Merry Christmas." He said as I stepped aside to let him in.
"Before you say anything please let me apologize for what I did before. I have no excuses for my actions and I'm truly sorry." He said and extended his hand to shake mine. I shook his hand and smiled at him.
"Thanks, Tony. And for what it's worth, we're sorry too. I know you were just doing what you thought was right." I said, clapping a my hand to his shoulder.
"Exactly. I just hope we can move past it. I've missed you two being around." He said as we made our way out to everyone.
"Consider the whole situation forgiven, Tony. Now make yourself at home. Drinks are in the kitchen and food should be done in a bit." I said and nudged him into the living room where Sam finally let Stephen hold Seb for awhile.
Someone else knocking at the door. Oh god, why can't everyone just show up at the same time? But this time I didn't have to open it. The door swung open revealing T'Challa, Shuri, and Ayo.
"Sorry for barging in, just figured you were getting tired of opening the door by now with all those cars in your driveway." T'Challa said as he and the girls hung their jackets.
"Thank you. I appreciate it." I said and shook his hand.
"Now, where is the baby boy I've been so eager to meet?" He asked, a sparkle in his eyes.
"Right over here, come on over and I'll let you hold him." Stephen said as the others all piped up about he had said it was their turn.

I laughed as I watched them all. Now we're just missing one. Steve.
"Hey, Sam! Can I talk to you for a minute?" I called out and his head popped up. He excused himself from the group and walked over to me.
"What's up, man?" He asked, slight concern in his tone.
"Have you heard from Steve lately? I know Nik has been pretty bummed out lately cause we haven't heard much from him at all. She misses her brother." I asked.
"Yeah I have. We've been working on a lot of things together. We actually just finished rebuilding the Time Machine they all talked about awhile back so the infinity stones can finally be returned. I'm sure he'll be here, Bucky. Don't stress on it." He said reassuringly.
"I'll try not to." I said and took a swig from my drink.

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