Chapter 23

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Bucky switched vehicles every few hours. Nicole still passed out 3 days later. There was no destination in mind, all Bucky knew was he had to keep her safe. He had to get her as far away as possible. Deep down, he knew where that power came from. And why it was so strong.
All those vials of the serum Zemo pumped into her. None of them working at the time. Little did anyone know, all she needed was the right motivation. You see, the serum only makes you a much stronger version of who you already are. Nicole, having dedicated her entire heart and soul to Bucky and Bucky alone. Her power is transferable to protect Bucky. When the aura is within him and her, they will be able to speak to each other through their minds. It connects them on a completely different level.
The power can give Nicole the ability to completely destroy anything with intent to harm. But, because of her love for Bucky. The level of destruction she can cause to protect him is something unspeakable. She can become nuclear. Like Godzilla level nuclear. She was always destined to become the second winter soldier. The two of them fighting side by side. Strange told everyone about that one universe where both of them were brainwashed. What he didn't tell them, was the future of what's to become of them in this universe.
They are each others guardians. Bucky with the brute strength. Her with the untouchable, protectable shield that with the right training, can go a long distance. All she has to do is imagine the shield going to him and he will have it.

-end of narration-
—1 week later/ Bucky's POV—

"What the fuck happened?" Nicole asked, sitting up from the bed. I jumped at the sound of her voice. Having not heard it in a week.
"Oh my god you're awake!" I said excitedly and ran over to her.
"Bucky, what happened?" She asked, rubbing her head.
"And oh my god I'm starving." She added. I made her something to eat and told her what had happened. The power, Thanos, us on the run. All of it.
She finished her food and sat in silence. Processing everything I had told her.

"So you think that because I had been pumped full of all that serum, that's where the power came from?" She asked, looking around the small house I found for us to stay in.
"Yes. The color of the aura that you project and the color of the glow in your eyes when it happens is the exact same color if not a little darker than what the serum was." I said and she tried to stand up but couldn't. Still too weak.
"So what now? So we just wait for someone to eventually find us to tell us the coast is clear? Or do we just keep running?" She asked, running a hand through her hair.
"And how do we have all this stuff? If you just ran off without grabbing anything." She asked another question.
"Well, I guess we just keep running for now. Stay low. I'm letting my hair grow back out to help with disguising myself. And I got you a box of hair dye. As for how I've been able to get this stuff, before we fully went off the grid, Steve sent a bunch of money and I pulled it all out before completely destroying all bank cards and forms of ID. And to answer another question I'm sure you have, we're in Bucharest. Romania." I said and watched as her eyes widened.
"How the hell did we get out of country within a week?? Did you hijack a plane??" She asked jokingly.
"Maybe." I responded and stood up to grab a bottle of water.
"Bucky, what? Seriously?" She tried to get up again and still couldn't.
"Oh come on!! I've been out for a week and I'm still not strong enough to fucking walk?" She yelled at herself. I couldn't help but laugh.
"Come on, I'll help you to a chair. We gotta get this dye in your hair and then get you cleaned up." I said and wrapped an arm around her to help pull her up. I got her to a chair. I put a towel around her shoulders and got the dye all mixed up. I applied it to her hair and made her laugh with silly hair styles. I've missed hearing her talk. Her laugh. Missed seeing her eyes. Her smile. It's been a week of not having that and I'll do anything to keep it for awhile.

"Alright, shower time. Come on." I said after we had waited to appropriate amount of time. I helped her up and into the bathroom where I had her lean against the counter for a moment while I undressed.
"What are you doing? Why are you taking your clothes off?" She asked, eyeing me up and down.
"You're not strong enough to even stand on your own yet, I have to help you." I said plainly as I slipped out of my jeans. Now standing in just my boxers. Her eyes still glued to me.

"Uh huh." Was all she managed to get out at the time. I took her shirt off first, then her pants, and socks. And in an attempt to not make things any more sexual than needed, I took her bra and panties off next. I stood up to face her, our bodies almost touching now. I reached behind her and took the clip out of her hair.
I slid my hand down to her waist and turned her around to get her in the shower. The water already running, her arms about to move better now, she held herself up against the shower wall while I removed my boxers. I got in and helped her rinse the dye from her hair. She kept her eyes on mine the entire time.
Her eyes started to glow a bright shade of purple right before a vision began in my head.

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