Chapter 21 - Parties And Ball Dancing

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Chapter 21💃.
I'm so excited😊
I didn't think I'll reach this chapter *cue the tears 😭*
I'm sorry I couldn't drop it since but better late than never right?
Please don't skip the author's note at the end of this chapter.
   IT'S TIME TO PARTY!!! Well, not yet since we are still doing our makeup but it's almost time. The girls are over at my place with their stuff to get their makeup done. There are three girls but they are moving so slow. At this rate, we're going to get there when the party's over.

    "Can you speed this up? We've got to leave in like two hours" I say to the artist working on my makeup.

    "Keep still" she scolds and goes back to what she's doing.


    "Fayokemi, you look absolutely beautiful. All of you girls do. Like princesses out of fairy tales" my mom cooes and the girls say thank you.

    "But I'm a queen" I say with a pout.

    "Queen indeed. A queen wouldn't have her room looking like a pig sty" she says and looks at my room in disgust. I look around and it is truly messy with clothes everywhere and wrappers of snacks all over the floor but four girls were inside. It's not supposed to be spotless.

    "I'll clean up afterwards"

    "You better" she says and glances at all of us again. "So cute. Put on your dresses or you'll be late" she says and shuts the my door.

    "There's no point in rushing. We're going to be late either way. Might as well take our time" I say and walk over to my closet where my dress is.

     "I never thought I'll see the day you'll give up on being punctual" Jasmine says wiping imaginary tears. "I would cry but I'm not ruining my face for you" she says and I laugh.

     "Why can't we ever have a normal party that doesn't require doing all this?" Chichi asks gesturing to her face and I fight back a laugh. She wasn't interested in makeup but I was interested in seeing the makeup on HER. She looks beautiful and hers isn't even heavy. Just enough to highlight her features.

   "That's because Crestview isn't normal. Like at all" I say with a laugh and she collapses on the bed.

    "Come on. The guys will be waiting for us" I say and attempt to drag her up but Chichi either weighs a ton or she's really strong. It's probably both. With the help of both Jasmine and Soph, she's finally on her feet. We dress up and leave for the ball. 

    We're officially late. There's no one outside not even a ghost. It almost sounds like a graveyard except from the light noise coming from the hall.

     "At least we're fashionably late" Jasmine says trying to ease the situation.

     "Let's just go" Sophia says leading the way and I hurry to catch up with her. Today, she swapped her glasses for contacts but she still looks cute.

   We walk in and it's like time literally stopped. This was inevitable. The attention makes my skin crawl but I don't let it show. Everyone went big and here I am, thinking we might be overdressed. 'Go big or go home' is literally what everyone is working with. Seriously though everyone looked stunning. Someone might even think it was prom night. The hall is royal purple and the lights were really dim except the one on stage where our vice principal is giving a speech.

    Sophia spots the guys and grabs my arm to lead me there. I notice a certain someone who wouldn't stop staring. I might have to tease him about it later. Jacob's here with a girl from tech department. I think her name was Peace but the others are alone.

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