Chapter 35

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"Bye mom! Bye Mer!" Amelia yelled as she ran out of the house. Christopher was already waiting in the car for her as she was once again running late again

"Okay, Mer. Are you ready to get dressed? We should have enough time so no hurries." Carolyn nods

Meredith got seated onto the bed, her mother mainly helping with her lower body as they could be quite tricky

"I'm gonna strap you into your braces, but you can use your chair. It's just in case." Carolyn explained and got the girl ready.

After breakfast and meds they eventually were heading to the car. Carolyn helped Meredith get in the car and then drove to the hospital.

The blonde girl was almost asleep in the back, blth because the disease drained her energy but also because the past months she was feeling very lonely which added to her depression

"Mer, we arrived. Let me help you get out of the car." Carolyn said and did so. She helped her daughter take a seat in the purple wheelchair and pushed the girl inside of the hospital, making their way up to PEDS. Even if Carolyn wouldn't have been a nurse she would have known her way around here.

Almost weekly they had to be here for several reasons. This time for a regular check up and because Meredith had been feeling nauseous after her feedings

"Hi Meredith. Hey Carolyn." Dr Robbins walked inside, followed by Christopher as he was still head of PEDS and of course didn't want to miss his daughter's appointment as long as he wouldn't be paged for an emergency

Dr Robbins did some tests while they were discussing Meredith's condition

"She'll also need to try other feeding. She's been having issues keeping these down again." Carolyn explained.

"To say we never had issues until now, just because insurance doesn't wanna pay them back, same for the muscle relaxers, the new ones give her migrenes." Christopher added

"Let's try you on new meds, okay, Meredith?" Dr Robbins asked, stroking her hand over the girl's head

"Hmm.." Meredith just nodded, not wanting to pay too much attention to this whole appointment.

"How have you been doing otherwise?" Dr Robins asked, for a second not writing anything down but just looking at Meredith

"Fine." Meredith nods but all adults in the room knew it was was she always said

"Are you still doing those zoom meetings with your therapist?" Dr Robbins asked as they opted for online video meetings so even on bad days Meredith could still attend therapy.

"Yeah.. I still have those every two weeks." Meredith confirmed but cried out as Dr Robbins touched her hips

"Shh, it's okay, Mer. It's okay." Carolyn assured the girl

"I'm sorry, Meredith. I didn't mean to hurt you. Can I try again?" Dr Robbins asked

After a few tries it became clear this wouldn't work out and they had to stop. Dr Robbins prescribed all kind of stuff for Meredith and then Christopher suggested they'd have lunch

"Come on, Mer. Just try a bit. It's grilled cheese." Carolyn tried. Everyday was a fight to have Meredith eat some actual food to maintain some pattern. But most of the time it ended up being painful.

But Meredith tried. She grabbed the food and took a small bite. She loved the taste but was scared for the possible pain that might come

And she was right. About 20 minutes later when Christopher was finishing up, both girls already done for a while, Meredith's stomach started hurting pretty bad but her shifting made her hips hurt again

She cried out in pain which caught the attention of some doctors as not all of them immediately realized Meredith was the daughter of Carolyn and Christopher

Especially not when Meredith suddenly saw Ellis.

Ellis Grey

Meredith had always been looking online for her biological mom. Not because she was curious but because she felt like she was never enough, she wanted to know why her mother just dumped her and didn't even try to stay in touch

"Stomach is swollen but it's not hard." Ellis said and right then both Carolyn and Christopher realized who was now touching their daughter

"We got it. It's okay." Christopher quickly said, secretly hoping Meredith wouldn't recognize Ellis as he expected this could be where Meredith would snap completely as she had been doing pretty bad mentally wise the last weeks

"Okay then." Ellis nodded and was ready to stand up when Meredith spoke up. Her eyes focussed on Ellis

"Why?" Meredith asked, pain visible in her voice as her hips were burning in pain, a stabbing feeling her feet. But Ellis didn't seem to respond. "Why didn't you even stay in touch?" Meredith's voice gave away how mentally challenging this was

Mersdith saw how Ellis turned around and stared her down, the girl feeling very vulnerable in her wheelchair, strapped into her braces and her tube feeding still running as it was attached to the wheelchair

"I couldn't do anything with a daughter, let alone a disabled one." Ellis sort of scoffed. "Especially not one as badly mannered as you." Ellis said, not liking Meredith's attitude

"You take that back!" Christopher turned around while Carolyn attempted to calm Meredith down

"Don't listen to her." Carolyn quickly said. "To us you're the perfect daughter-"

But it wasn't of much use. Meredith unlocked the brakes and placed her hands on the purple rims. She had these motorized wheels that made her weak pushes much stronger but it was still a challenge for her on bad days. She started pushing herself away, not caring about where she headed to, in the back she could still hear her father and Ellis

"- Don't act as if she isn't a burden to you and your family!" Ellis scoffed

Meredith felt her eyes getting wet, her sight unfocussed because of the tears as she pushed herself away, her arms trembling in pain

"Damnit, Meredith." Carolyn stopped her and brought them both into a quiet part of the hallway. "Don't listen to that woman!" She wanted to hug her daughter but Meredith weakly pushed away. Carolyn knew better than trying again, especially because it'd effect Meredith's physical health

"She's gone." Christopher walked towards them, his heart breaking as he saw his daughter about to hyperventilate, they quickly grabbed her inhaler but it was of no use, her body shaking as a response from the pain so he quickly decided to grab a sedative and sedate her, they could let her rest on the PEDS ward and talk further once she was awake.

But now their daughter needed rest. She never deserved any of this

We hope you enjoyed!!!!!! Poor Mer! Thanks to my co-writer _Ktje_

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