Chapter 16

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The whole evening Meredith had spent in Carolyn's arms. She had refused to move.

Even the whole night the girls had slept in the bed with Carolyn and Christopher

Meredith kept squirming in the bed during the night which was worrying Carolyn. She lifted the girl and exited the room

"Honey, is something bothering you?" Carolyn asked as she walked downstairs with the girl in her arms

"It burns" Meredith whimpers in Carolyn's arms

"Can you tell me what's hurting you?"

Meredith weakly lifted her hand and moved it to her catheter

"Oh sweetie, let me Check" Carolyn frowned and saw there was blood in Meredith's urine bag

Carolyn quickly lifted Meredith back into her arms and woke up her husband

"Christopher, honey" Carolyn shook him awake

"Hmm.. what's wrong?" He frowned as he saw his wife with Meredith in her arms, despite the girl getting slightly too heavy for her

"There's blood in her catheter, I'm taking her to the hospital" Carolyn explained "Can you help me grab a bag for her?"

"Of course" Christopher jumped up and was concerned about the girl that kept whimpering in Carolyn's arms "Do you want me to go?"

"No, stay with the kids" Carolyn quickly said and grabbed a bag "Can you put some clean pajamas and sweats in it? Also her meds" Carolyn said. "I'm gonna get her ready"

Carolyn walked downstairs with Meredith and helped her get in the jacket but the girl started crying as Carolyn let go of her

"Shh, honey. I'm not leaving you" Carolyn assured her "I'm just trying to get you ready so we can go to the hospital" Carolyn explained

"No. No hospital" Meredith whilpered

"We really need to go, honey" Carolyn lifted Meredith into the car, her husband brought the bag and Carolyn quickly drove to the hospital with a crying Meredith in the back


Meredith was laying down on an examination table, Carolyn kept stroking her hair. They had given the girl a light sedative to change the catheter. They had started her on all kinds of antibiotics as she had a bladder infection

"Puppy's here with you, sweetie" Carolyn tucked the stuffed dog in her shirt like the girl always prefered

"Carolyn-" Meredith sobbed as she hated all the doctors touching her

"I know, sweetheart. It's okay. We're going to your room very soon"

"Wanna go home" Meredith whimpered

"Soon, baby. But I promise that the others will come over once you slept a bit" Carolyn kissed Meredith's head

"Aww" Meredith cried as she tried to shift a bit

"Shh, baby girl. Just close your eyes and take a small nap. It will all be okay" Carolyn whispered to the little girl and held her

Meredith finally stopped fighting the meds and fell asleep, causing Carolyn to finally have a moment to let some tears fall down her cheek as she hated seeing the little girl in pain

Carolyn kept looking at Meredith and looked for any signs the situation was getting worse, often checking if the girl was burning up. Then she saw Meredith's nose scrunch and the little girl cried out in pain

"Awww" She whined

"Shh, sweetie. Shh" Carolyn quickly got up but Meredith started squirming, causing Puppy to fall on the ground as she kicked off her blankets that felt like she was burning up

"It hurts!" Meredith cried but the squirming make her body hurt even more

"Take out her catheter!" Carolyn instructed

"But-" The other nurse wanted to protest

"Take it out, we need something else, something that isn't causing her anymore pain" Carolyn stated and then her husband walked inside in his scrubs

"How's our girl-" He started but then saw what was going on and ran towards them

"She has a bladder infection" Carolyn sighed and Christopher checked her catheter bag and watched as blood dripped inside it

"I'm removing it now, she'll need a few days without it as long as there's so much irritation" He stated and put on a pair of gloves and started taking it out, causing Meredith to cry louder. "It's almost done, honey"

"Shh, monkey. It's okay. Christopher is taking it out and then it will feel much and much better, I promise" Carolyn kissed her forehead

"Dr Shepherd, I brought a diaper" A nurse announced and they all saw Meredith's eyes widening

"No! I'm not a baby!" She whimpered

"We know, sweetie. But you can't use a catheter now, the diaper is just in case you'd have an accident, okay? We'll put timers to remind you when you have to use the restroom, it will be okay" Carolyn kissed the girl's forehead

Meredith went quiet and looked around to find Puppy. She weakly lifted her blanket before pushing herself into a sitting positioning and wincing in pain

"Hey sweetie, what's wrong?" Christopher asked as he saw the girl panicking

"Puppy-" She looked at him with tears in her eyes

"Wait, honey. We'll help you look for him" Carolyn promised and lifted the blankets, shook with them but nothing

Christopher lifted the pillow, checked underneath Meredith's small body but still couldn't find the stuffed dog

"Puppy-" Meredith cried out

"Shh, sweetie. We'll take a look" Carolyn frowned

Christopher then decided to look in the ground and found the stuffy underneath the bed

"Here you go, Mer" Christopher handed the stuffed animal to the girl and softly kissed her forehead

Meredith was quiet and shut her eyes tightly as she kissed her Puppy while Carolyn was helping her into the diaper

"Don't like it" She tried to push Carolyn's arm away

"I know, sweetheart. But it's necessary for now" Carolyn explained and tucked in the girl once she was done putting on the diaper "Just take a nap, sweetie"

Meredith closed her eyes but couldn't really sleep as she felt her body hurting from squirming around

"Shh" Christopher kept brushing his hand over her hair as he saw in how much discomfort she was

"It hurts" Meredith quietly said

"Christopher, give her something for the pain, please" Carolyn begged with tears in her eyes. Her husband nodded and ran off "It will be okay, baby girl"

Christopher ran back in with a sedative and injected it into Meredith's central line. The girl's body relaxed and she fell asleep

"Oh Meredith" He gasped

"Our girl.. She's in so much pain" Carolyn whispered and the two adults held each other tight as they felt like they failed at keeping the little girl in front of them safe

We hope you enjoyed!
Sorry for the lack of updates this week. It's been a busy week for me but next week is my last week of dance for the year so I'll have more time after that.

And once again, thanks to my co-writer _Ktje_

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