Chapter 2

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Carolyn looks at her watch and sees that it's time to wake the kids up to start getting them ready for school.

She walks into Amelia's room and sees both girls sound asleep. She goes over to Amelia's bed first.

"Amy sweetie, time to get up and get ready for school."

Amelia opens her eyes and rubs her still tired eyes. "Okay Mommy. Is Meredith going to school today?"

"She is but she's going to be late. I'm going to take her to the hospital first. I'm going to wake her up next."

Carolyn walks over to Mereidth's bed. "Hey Mer, time to wake up sweetie."

Meredith groans. "No."

"Are you feeling okay Mer? You're going to come with me to the hospital this morning and your mommy is going to take a quick look at you."

"And then school?"

Carolyn nods. "Yes, after that I'll bring you to school."

"Carolyn?" Meredith says softly.

"Yes sweetie."

"I'm sorry."

"Why are you sorry sweetie? You have nothing to apologize for."

"I wet the bed." Meredith says, not looking in Carolyn's eyes.

Carolyn is shocked but doesn't let Meredith know that. She adds that to the list of things that are going on with Meredith. "That's okay. Accidents happen. Let's get you cleaned up. I'll change the sheets." She sees that Meredith is embarrassed and comforts her.

After Carolyn drops all of the kids except for Meredith off at school she drives over to Seattle Grace Hospital. She parks and turns around to look at Meredith but sees that she's fallen asleep. "Strange. She never sleeps in the car" Carolyn thinks to herself.

"Mer, wake up. We're here." Carolyn says softly.

"I'm sleepy." Meredith says.

"I know sweetie. We're going to go see your mommy."

"Yayyyy Mommy." Meredith unbuckles herself and goes to get out of the car but gets really dizzy. "Dizzy."

"Mer, you okay?" Carolyn says, rushing over to her.

"Really dizzy." Meredith weakly says.

"Okay. Sit back down." Carolyn adds this to the list of symptoms that Meredith is presenting with.

Meredith sits back down and after a few minutes the dizziness goes away.

"Can we go see Mommy now?" Meredith asks softly.

"Yes, come on sweetie. Let me know if you feel dizzy again."

Meredith nods and follows Carolyn to an exam room. Carolyn pages Ellis to the exam room.

"Okay Mer, hop on up on the table for your mommy." Carolyn says.

Meredith tries but can't. She grimaces with pain. "Ow, it hurts. I can't get up there."

"Your hips again?" Carolyn asks

"Yeah, and my legs too. Why do they hurt?" Meredith asks, tearing up.

"I'm not sure sweetie. That's what we need to figure out.

Just then Ellis comes into the exam room. "Okay let's do this quickly. I have a surgery in thirty minutes."

"Mommy!" Meredith smiles

"Meredith, what are your symptoms?" Ellis asks.

"Uhhhh..." Meredith looks at Carolyn for help.

"Her hips and legs have been bothering her, she's been dizzy, she fell asleep in the car this morning which is very unlike her, she also had an accident during the night. And then she has that bruise on her stomach. And then just body aches and coughing and wheezing but I don't know if that is her asthma or not." Carolyn explains

"Meredith, you are eight years old, why are you wetting the bed?" Ellis asks her daughter annoyed.

"I didn't mean to!" Meredith says, unable to look at her mom.

Ellis quickly examines Meredith.

"I can't find anything wrong with her right now. Let's just keep an eye on her." Ellis says

"Mommy, can I stay here with you today? I don't wanna go to school."

"No you may not Meredith Grey! You are going to school!"

Meredith sighs.

"I can take her if you want." Carolyn offers.

Ellis nods. "Yes, take her. I have to go to surgery now."

She leaves the room without saying bye to Meredith.

Meredith's bottom lip trembles. "She's mad at me. I didn't mean to wet the bed."

"I know sweetie. It was an accident. Come on, let's get you to school." Carolyn says, taking Meredith's hand.

Carolyn pulls up at the elementary school.

Meredith opens her door and struggles to get out of the car because of her much pain she is in. She gets dizzy when she gets out of the car and has to stay still for a minute or so. After the dizziness goes away, she grabs her backpack and struggles to lift it which doesn't go unnoticed by Carolyn. Meredith puts it on her back and makes a pained expression.

"You okay Mer?"

"Everything hurts." She says whimpering. "I got dizzy too."

"Okay. Let's keep an eye on it, okay sweetie?"

Meredith nods and closes the car door after saying goodbye.

Meredith makes her way over to her classroom to put her backpack away. Her teacher tells her that her classmates are in gym class now and she should go there also.

She makes her way to the gym slowly.

Meredith sees Amelia and goes over to her and joins her team. She is struggling a lot and in a lot of pain. She is starting to get really dizzy as well. Her vision starts to blur and she can feel that something is not right with her.

"Amy help." She whimpers and then falls to the ground unconscious.

"Meredith!" Amelia screams, terrified.

Thanks to my co-writer _Ktje_

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