Chapter 30

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"Christopher.. We really have to move." Carolyn sighed

"I know. But I honestly have no clue how we can manage with all those bills." Christopher sighed

"I can try to go back to work." Carolyn said

"You're homeschooling Meredith. She can't go to school.." Christopher muttered

"I can work the nights." Carolyn suggested

"Carolyn.." Christopher reached out for her hand. "We have to take the risk."

Carolyn nods. "She needs to get around by herself, without stairs." Carolyn said and hugged her husband

"Mommy? Can Mer and I play outside?" Amelia yelled as she ran into the living room

"Yes sweetie. I'll come get Meredith upstairs." Carolyn nods and got up, kissing Christopher and making her way upstairs

"Mommy!" Meredith smiled, lifting her arms in the air. "Can we?"

"Yes sweetie, Amy asked and it's okay. Let's go outside really quick." Carolyn said and lifted Meredith up and carrying her downstairs which had gotten a lot harder as the girl got heavier

"Amy and I are gonna play with our dolls!" Meredith told Carolyn as she got carried downstairs and placed in the wheelchair, Carolyn made sure the girl was strapped in correctly and pushed her out to the garden

"Mommy, I can push!" Meredith said and started pushing herself towards Amelia

"Mer, hurry!" Amelia giggled

"Hey, are they enjoying themselves?" Christopher walked towards his wife, slipping his arm around his wife's waist

"They are. Where are the boys?" Carolyn looked around

"They're getting themselves ready. Apparently they need their soccer clothes to play soccer." Christopher laughed softly

"Look at our little family." Carolyn laid her head on Her husband's shoulder

"I wouldn't call it that little. But I don't regret a thing."

"Mommy, look!" The girls hurried their way over to their parents. "Mer dressed our doll!"

"Wow Mer! You picked out some very nice clothes!" Carolyn tried to stimulate them


Christopher had Meredith on his lap who was asleep. The little girl was completely worn out after a few hours of sleeping

"Dad, we're winning!" Derek yelled

Christopher gave them a thumbs up and a big smile, not wanting to yell back as he didn't wanna wake up the little girl in his lap

"Come on Amy, we need to win!" Carolyn laughed

"We promise we'll find a one floored room for you where you can move around on your own, princess." Christopher placed a soft kiss on Meredith's forehead

He watched the others play, feeling a knot in his stomach for knowing Meredith would probably never be able to joy them but in an adapted house and with adapted activities they can include her a much as possible

"Aww-" Meredith suddenly groaned in his arm

"Hey sweetie, what's wrong?" Christopher asked

"Tummy hurts.." Meredith whimpered

"Shh. Here-" Christopher pulled the wheelchair closer to grab Meredith's bag with her meds. He injected the meds into her port and held her close to his chest. "Is it helping?"

Meredith shook her head no and started sobbing

"What's going on?" Carolyn asked as she jogged up to them

"Her tummy hurts." Christopher sighed. "Go play, I got her." He assured his wife

"Are you sure? I can place her down in bed." Carolyn suggests

"No, play with the kids while Mer and I have some father daughter time." Christopher assured her and lifted Meredith in his arms. He entered the house and wrapped a blanket around her. "Are you feeling okay, princess?"

"Hurts.." Meredith whispered

"I know. Let's lay down." Christopher sat down and stuffed Meredith up with some pillows

"Daddy-" She muttered

"It's okay, sweetie. Just close your eyes and take a nap." Christopher tried and placed Meredith's stuffy on her chest

"Puppy-" Meredith smiled

"Yes Puppy's here with you." Christopher assured her. "Now take a nap, sweetie. Maybe we can go for a walk after dinner." Christopher said

And so they did. Carolyn was unplugging Meredith from the tube feeding. The other kids were getting themselves ready for a short walk around the neighbourhood while Carolyn was helping Meredith to get ready

"Amy asked if you could go to the ice cream shop after we went to the playground." Christopher said as he was ready

"Sounds good to me. Would you wanna try some ice cream as well?" Carolyn asked Meredith

"Dunno.." Meredith shrugged as Carolyn strapped the girl into the wheelchair

"Mer! Ice cream!" Amelia ran towards her sister. "Let's go!" Amelia jumped up and down

"Need some help?" Mark asked. "Do you want me to push your chair?"

"Yes. Thanks Markie." Meredith smiled at her brother and he took care of the handles

The family first made their way over to the playground. Carolyn helped the kids onto the big swing, with Meredith in the middle. Their laughters were amazing but they stopped when they saw Meredith was having a harder time keeping herself up so they left to the ice cream shop where even Meredith tried some

"Guys.. daddy and I are thinking about moving to another house." Carolyn carefully started, wanting to the the kids' reactions

"A big house?" Amelia gasped

"Yes, Amy. With wide hallways so we all can move around without any limits." Christopher said, not wanting to say it was because of Meredith's condition

"Can we get a bigger room?" Mark gasped

"We'll have to see." Carolyn laughed and they walked back to their house as they finished their ice cream

We hope you enjoyed! Thanks to my co-writer _Ktje_

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