Chapter 34

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"Shep! Get your butt down here now! We've got places to go, girls to see!" Mark yelled from his place on the couch.

"Why are you so loud?" Meredith muttered. She was laying cuddled up to Mark with his arms around her.

"Sorry, Mer." Mark said, smiling down at her. "You and Amy got any fun plans tonight?"

"No, she's with Emma, her friend from gymnastics. She's spending the night." Meredith said softly.

"You didn't want to go also?" Mark asked gently.

"They're going to do lots of gymnastics stuff and I can't do that." Meredith whispered. "I would have to watch the entire time. Besides, it's better for everyone when I don't go. I wouldn't be holding them back."

"Mer, that's not true. Yeah, you can't do a lot of the stuff they can, but you have always been the best cheerleader! I love when you're my personal cheerleader!" Mark said, trying to cheer his sister up. He can tell she's having a tough time with her depression right now.

Meredith shrugs. "It's fine."

"Mer..." Mark gently said.

"I'm fine. No one should worry about me." Meredith muttered.

Mark shifted his body to look at Meredith and saw her wince at the movement. "Sorry Mer, didn't mean to hurt you."

"It's fine. I'm used to it. It's not like it'll ever change." Meredith whispered.

Just then loud footsteps were heard. "Mark! Come on! Let's go!" Derek ran into the room. "Mark, leave Meredith alone and let's go!"

"Derek, hold on." Mark said.

"Dude, you're the one who wanted to go see Allie, or is it Emma tonight? I can't keep track." Derek noticed how quiet Meredith was being. "Mer, you feeling okay?" He asked his little sister.

"I'm fine. Don't worry about me." Meredith whispered. "When will you guys be home tonight?"

"When Mark stops looking at all of the girls." Derek said.

Meredith just nods, not wanting to admit that she doesn't want to stay home alone.

Mark can tell by Meredith's body language that she doesn't want to stay home alone. "Do you want me to call Mom or Dad? You know if I do, one will come running home immediately. You know they didn't want to go anyways."

Carolyn and Christopher are at a hospital event and won't be home until late at night.

"No. It's fine. I'm fine. I'm just going to sleep." Meredith says softly. "I'll be fine."

Mark sighs, knowing that she isn't really telling the truth. "Okay but I'm going to make sure your phone is charging next to you. You can use my charger."

"Can you hurry up Mark, we have to go." Derek interrupts. "I'll be in the car. Bye Mer!" Derek gives Meredith a kiss on the forehead.

"Bye." She whispers.

"Okay. I'm going to go but call Mom or Dad if you need anything okay?"

Meredith nods. "Bye Markie." She says.

"Bye Mer!" He runs off to the car.

"Don't forget me when you go away to college soon." Meredith whispers to herself.


"Mer?" Carolyn whispered as she had found her daughter on the couch.

"Hmm.." Meredith groaned as she had fallen asleep. It's been hours since the boys left. She has been unable to get up and use the bathroom or get some dinner or even her tube feeding

"Sweetie, have you been asleep all evening?" Carolyn asks Meredith as she was concerned.

"Since the boys left.. But I- I need to pee.." Meredith whispered, some tears streaming down her cheeks

"Christopher!" Carolyn called out, feeling awful for her daughter as she saw Meredith's purple wheelchair was too far for her and she wasn't strapped into her braces

"Yes?" Christopher walked towards them

"Mer needs to use the bathroom urgently." Carolyn sternly nods and watched as her husband lifted the tiny girl in his arms and placed her on the toilet, both of them waiting outside as Meredith did her business

"We should have stayed home.." Carolyn muttered as she and Christopher had been arguing about this for a week. "Her wheelchair was across the room from her and she wasn't strapped into her braces. I told the boys to make sure her wheelchair was close to her when they left! I told them!"

Christopher was about to respond but heard Meredith's voice. "I'm done!" He goes in and picks her up. He brings her back over to the couch where they all sit on. Meredith lays with her head on Carolyn's lap while her mom strokes her hair with her hand.

"Sweetie, did you eat anything tonight? Did you get your tube feeding?" Carolyn asked. Meredith now gets her tube feeding through her stomach so that it is permanent. Dr Robbins surgically implanted the tube feed into her stomach a few years ago.

"No. I- I couldn't get up. I'm hungry Mama." Meredith whispered.

Carolyn gasped. "Christopher. Tube feeding. Now. Please."

"On it!" Christopher quickly grabs the bag and brings it back. He sets it up and the liquid starts to drip into Meredith's body.

"Sorry.." Meredith sighed as her head was still resting on Carolyn's legs, the girl was fighting sleep as her body was completely worn out

"Don't you dare apologize again, honey." Christopher squeezed his daughter's soft and fragile hand

"Hmm.. Just a burden anyway.." Meredith muttered, assuming her parents wouldn't hear it anyway but Carolyn did.

The second Meredith had fallen asleep Carolyn had turned her head to her husband. "What the hell do we do?" She asked with tears in her eyes

"I don't know.." Christopher muttered, feeling desperate.

We hope you enjoy!!! I have both of my performances of the nutcracker this weekend ahhhhhhhh

Thanks to my co-writer _Ktje_

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