Chapter 23

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"Carolyn, wake up. Dr Robbins is coming." Christopher says, waking up his sleeping wife. They're in the surgical waiting room and have been there for the past few hours.

"Is Mer okay?" Carolyn woke up and asked Dr Robbins.

"She did well during the surgery. She's in the recovery wing now and should be waking up shortly. Dr Torres had to put screws in her hip to prevent it from dislocating again." Dr Robbins said. "And she was also fitted for a brace during the surgery. It's important she keeps it on for 23 hours each day. She's only able to take it off when she is getting dressed and showering. It's extremely important that her leg is kept still. She cannot move this leg while it's healing."

Christopher nods. "How long does she need to wear the brace for?" He asks, clutching Carolyn's hand.

"We'll start with four weeks and then check on how her hip and leg is healing. It's possible she'll need it for a few extra weeks." Arizona said. "And I'm just warning you guys that she's not going to like this brace but it's imperative that she keeps it on for 23 hours a day."

Carolyn and Christopher nod. "We'll make sure it stays on. We want her leg and hip to heal correctly."

"I can take you to her now." Arizona says.

"Please." Carolyn says.

Arizona leads them to the peds recovery wing and brings them to Meredith.

Carolyn gasps at the sight of Meredith. "Oh my poor baby."

Meredith is intubated from the surgery still and looks even tinier in the huge hospital bed.

Carolyn rushes over and sits down next to the bed and takes Meredith's hand in hers. "Oh baby girl."

"She's going to be okay." Christopher says, quickly wiping a tear away.

"Look how big this brace is. She's going to hate it." Carolyn cries softly.

Meredith's brace covers part of her stomach and her right leg. The brace covers right up to her knee.

"She could barely move before and now it's going to be even harder for her!" Carolyn cries.

Christopher is about to say something to comfort his wife when he notices Meredith's hand moving slightly.

"She's waking up." Christopher says. "Open your eyes Mer. We're right here baby."

They hear Meredith start choking on the tube and then all of a sudden her eyes fly open, looking panicked. She moves her hand to her tube but Carolyn quickly grabs her hand.

"No sweetie, you can't touch that. Daddy is going to go get Dr Robbins so she can take that out. Are you in any pain baby? Blink once for yes and twice for no."

Meredith blinks her eyes twice.

Just then Dr Robbins comes rushing into the room. "Welcome back Meredith! Let's get that tube out sweetie. On the count of three I need you to cough for me. Can you do that for me?"

Meredith nods.

"Okay. One. Two. Three."

Arizona pulls the tube out as Meredith coughs.

"Good job baby girl." Carolyn puts some water with a straw up to her lips. "Drink this sweetie."

Meredith takes a few sips of her water. "Mommy." She rasps.

"I'm right here sweetie. I'm right here. I've got you."


"Okay Meredith, I hope you have a great Christmas! Are you excited that Santa's coming tonight?" Dr Robbins asks.

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