I scoffed before promptly exiting the car and slamming the door shut. Without hesitation, the car immediately sped off, leaving me in the dust.

"Jerks," I stomped before pulling out my phone in search of a map to guide me back to school.

Just then, rain began to trickle from the gloomy clouds, drenching my curly hair and my freshly ironed clothes. With a small frown gracing my lips, I adjusted my backpack and began to walk back to school.

No, the boys did not come back and offer me a ride to school. And no, the weather did not miraculously get better either. Instead, I slowly walked in the rain, alone as I'd always been.


By the time I made it back to school, I'd entirely missed first period. Second period was nearly halfway over as well, although I figured it'd be better to show up late than to not show up at all.

I slowly opened the door to the Biology class. The teacher immediately stopped talking, and every student in the class stared at me as I walked in.

"Um... hi," I nervously smiled, my two dimples blooming from my cheeks.

"You're late," was the first thing the male teacher said to me, looking unimpressed. "Detention."


"Take a seat."

Too afraid to argue with him, I sagged my shoulders and trudged over to the nearest empty seat. However, a boy placed his bag on it before I could sit down.

"Sorry, someone's sitting here," he muttered without looking at me.

I nodded and made my way over to the next available seat, which conveniently happened to be next to Heather Addams. For the people who live under a rock, Heather Addams was Anthony Miller's girlfriend, who was captain of the cheerleading team—shocking, I know.

Just as I was about to sit down, she placed her arm on the chair to stop me.

"What do you think you're doing?" she demanded in her squeaky voice.

"Sitting down?"

"You're wet," she scrunched up her nose in disgust, looking me up and down.

"So?" I quirked a brow.

"So, could you sit somewhere else?"

I gave her a soft smile. "Anything for you, Heather."

Unable to detect my sarcasm, Heather relaxed in her seat with a satisfied nod. Meanwhile, I made my way over to the final available seat in the back row. Unfortunately, it was next to Andre, who I decided was on my long list of people I disliked at this school, after he, Elias, and Malcolm left me stranded.

My shoes squeaked as I made my way over to the desk. I could feel Andre's dark eyes watching me as I sat down, though I refused to say a word. At last, he broke the silence.

"Finally made it back?" he muttered in amusement, eyes flickering over my drenched figure.

"This is funny to you?" I whispered with a scowl.

"Just a bit."

I gave him a glare, through it probably didn't look quite intimidating, because he only gave me a small snort before reverting his attention to the teacher.

Just then, an announcement blared throughout the classroom.

"Attention, all students," came the principal's voice through the speaker.

The teacher stopped talking.

"It has come to my attention that an act of vandalism has been committed in the school parking lot, and my car has been spray painted." Principal Lawrence sounded furious. "If anyone knows any information about this, I advise them to come forward immediately. Consequences will be dealt accordingly. That will be all."

Whispers erupted throughout the classroom, everyone wondering who would dare to touch the principal's car. From the corner of my eye, I noticed Andre smirking, and I was hit with a flashback.

"Come on, Elias. We made sure no one was around. Besides, even if someone saw us spray paint Principal Lawrence's car, what're the odds they're gonna rat us out?"

I softly gasped once I realized that Andre, Elias, and Malcolm were the culprits. It was why they were so out of breath in the washroom—they'd been running from the principal.

Now, normally, I would go about my day and mind my business. However, I thought back to how they'd kicked me out of the car, forcing me to walk back to school in the pouring rain. A need for vengeance overtook me, which is why I slowly but surely raised my hand.

"Yes?" said the teacher.

"Sir, I believe I know who vandalized Principal Lawrence's car."

Andre's eyes snapped over to me, and just like that, a war had begun.


Hm, such a bold move on Daisy's part! What do you guys think will happen next?

QOTD: what's your favourite season?
AOTD: summer

It's currently 1am and I wrote this entire chapter in one go and there's probably a million mistakes. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed! Please leave a vote or comment if you did.

Love, Emmanuela<3


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