Uneven Socks

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You get the results of the exam a week later. You've tried distracting yourself by fawning over your plants, rearranging the apartment, and actually going to sleep. Shinsou isn't much better; when the two of you hang out or study together, the both of you talk about what you could have done wrong during the practical and what the right answers were during the written. There's not much else to do.

With the envelope sacredly in your hands, you set it down on the glass coffee table and quickly sit on your white couch. The plants in the room all shift and sway, sensing your excitement. They want you to hurry up.

"I'm trying, I'm trying!" you say back. You cross your legs and lean forward. Your quirk tears the envelope open, and out pops a little transmission disk. A second later, a projection beams to life. You stare up at it, holding your breath, natural hair fluffing up into an even cloudier shape.

Present Mic points a finger at you through the projection. "What's up Isoko Marigold? Hope you're having a rad time, 'cause I've GOT SOME EVEN RADDER NEWS FOR YOU! Not only did you pass your written exam with flying colors, but you ROCKED THE HOUSE during the practical!"

He grins wider and spreads both arms out like a true entertainer. "You could have succeeded just fine by destroying villain robots with your quirk and helping a couple students in need of FIRE PROTECTION! But when the opportunity arose—"

You brace yourself as he takes a big breath. There's that word again. Opportunity.

The projector's audio fuzzes as Present Mic's voice reaches an even louder volume. "YOU TOOK THE CHANCE TO PROTECT OTHER STUDENTS FROM ONE OF THE BIGGEST, BADDEST VILLAIN ROBOTS U.A. HAS TO OFFER! YEEEEAAAAAHHHH!"

Wincing at how distorted the audio becomes, you watch as the projection plays a clip of you pushing running students further away from the robot while you dive into the wall of dust and rubble. It skips ahead to you bringing the giant mechanical beast down slowly with your quirk to ensure that it doesn't accidentally crush anyone or cause damage that could hurt others. You look like a speck compared to its size. The camera zooms closer in. You shouldn't be bothered that there are cameras; why wouldn't there be? That's how all the judges watched students succeed. But the fact that it's gets such a personal shot at you is slightly perturbing. You don't want to be examined that closely.

It's odd to look at your own face from another's angle. Your lips are pulled into a determined frown, and your eyes blaze with focus and control. You have both hands splayed out as you work, and your legs hang without anything to stand on. You're dusting off the side of your cheek, revealing a bit of dark red muscle that the skin doesn't cover.

Wow. Do you always look that intense when you're using your quirk?

The projection cuts back to Present Mic. He's now holding two thumbs up at you. "After such an EPIC DISPLAY of your quirk's abilities and your THOUGHTFULNESS toward your peers and surroundings, the panel of judges who determine HEROISM in students decided to award you THIRTY-FIVE RESCUE POINTS!"

The projection shows the rankings of all the students who got the highest scores on the entrance exam. Your name falls second with forty villain points and thirty-five rescue points. Your back straightens, and you begin to emit a high-pitched, closed-mouth squeal. This is—holy shit—this is really happening—

"ISOKO MARIGOLD!" Present Mic points his finger back at the projection, back at you. "Welcome to the HERO ACADEMIA!"

You lurch to your feet and let out a joyous shout. "Hell yeah! Fuckin—hell yeah! Yeah! Yeah!" Overwhelmed, you dance around the coffee table, clapping your hands sporadically and feet sliding across the hardwood floor. The plants jostle, just as excited as you are at the news. Vines that have crawled across the walls remove themselves and happily rearrange themselves to mirror your mood. The hanging plants on the ceiling curl and twist as you pass beneath them. You raise your hands up and let your fingers brush against their leaves. The thrum of the life in them courses through you. They're all so happy for you and what you've accomplished, even if they don't entirely understand it. They just know that since you feel this way, they're going to feel the same way.

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