Chapter Eight

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Melody's heart fluttered, and she could not stop grinning as she and Austin stepped into the large department store. He grabbed a cart, and she hopped in just like they did when they were kids. He took off, pushing it fast, with her squealing as he headed to the holiday décor section.

"Mom, can I do that?" she heard a little boy ask as Austin whizzed past him, ignoring the scowl from his mother; Austin didn't stop until they reached the far end of the store. Melody popped out of the cart with a mischievous grin.

"Starting in the Christmas section?" She asked as she started grabbing stuff and tossing it in the cart.

"Slow down, Bell," he took back the pink tinsel she'd just tossed in and out it around. "We are starting here to get a reasonable amount of Christmas decorations for my small apartment.  Then we'll get the rest of the stuff I need."

"The pink tinsel is necessary and very reasonable," she mocked his word with a little smirk.

"For what?" Austin asked as he cringed at it.

"The small tree we'll be putting in your bathroom," she said as she picked it back up and set it back in the cart; she then moved on to the next aisle.

"My bathroom does not need a pink tree," Austin protested.

"But it would be so cute!" She looked up at him with her special pout.

"...what if you can buy anything else, as much Christmas stuff as you want, so long as I don't have to have a pink tree in my bathroom?" He bargained.

She tried to hide her smile, "Okay, deal."

"Did you just con me?"

"Yup!" she chirped as she shoved a bunch more sparkly things in the cart and then ran off.

"You little!" Austin chased after her as she pushed the cart forward and darted away; she ran to the garden center and abandoned the cart to hide behind one of the Christmas trees. She was watching and waiting for him to appear when he grabbed her from behind suddenly and whispered, "gotcha!"

"Austin!" she squealed as he whirled her around.

He was laughing, but it ceased as their eyes met; the next thing she knew, their lips were locked all over again.


Sometime later, they were nearly done decorating Austin' s apartment, which was anything but beige now; it was full of color. A good sized colorful Christmas tree sat in the corner, Rudolf-styled throw pillows and a matching blanket draped over his couch. His walls were adorned with carious wintery scenes and much more.

Mary would be thrilled, and even Austin seemed happy with it, or maybe just with her; they'd both been smiling and kissing all day.

"What's this?" she furrowed her eyebrows as she found a large bag with a heavy box inside.

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