Chapter Six

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Melody was buried under a mound of blankets the following day when she was awoken by someone torpedoing into her bed

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Melody was buried under a mound of blankets the following day when she was awoken by someone torpedoing into her bed.

"What in the?"

"Wake up, Mel!" The voice she missed so much filled the blonde's heart with joy.

"Sadie?" as she attempted to unravel herself from the blankets to greet her best friend, Melody somehow tangled them both up, and they landed on the floor in a laughing heap.

It took them several minutes to both untangle themselves and stop laughing. Once they finally did, Melody sat up, looking at the pretty brunette in front of her.

"What are you doing here, Sadie?" She asked.

"I'm about to get to that, but first, what are you wearing?" Sadie took in the pink nighty, which only reminded Melody that last night wasn't a bad dream, and she cringed.

"That look is bad." Sadie cringed herself having sensed it, "you texted me about a date?"

"You never replied," Melody shot her a look.

"I forgot to charge my phone, and we left in a hurry"-


"Mel, please give me a second before I get into why I'm here," Sadie said with a sigh. "Get dressed and tell me about this date."

"It was great, he was super sweet, and he's a model that rescues dogs."

"That explains the nightie," Sadie quipped; she took a seat at Melody's desk as she straightened up her mahogany curls.

"Oh no, it doesn't," Melody groaned as she started to rummage for some clothes, she threw on that old sweatshirt and then slipped on some leggings.

"We aren't having a second date," Melody explained.

"What, why?"

"Because he likes girls that like him," Melody said with a little laugh. "I was going to hook you up, but you said, we?"

Sadie averted her eyes, "what did you do, Mel?"

"I might have brought up Austin one too many times," Melody admitted.

"Some things never change," Sadie laughed.

"Then I sent him a goodnight text wearing this," Melody held up the nightie.

"The date?" Sadie asked.

"No." Melody said with a somber look in her eyes.

"Throne." Sadie's eyes nearly popped out of her head. "You sent a racy text to Thorne?"

"I don't know what I was thinking," Melody groaned.

Sadie jumped up and grabbed Melody's phone." I need to see this."

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