Chapter four

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Armed with way more bags than a dog that small should need, Austin followed Melody up to his new apartment. She was carrying Rudolf as they walked across the street to the Frost Crest Diner. Of course, Bell would be the one to name his first pet, he thought with a little grin tugging at his lips.

Oh well, he was just as much her dog as his. He was waiting outside her door, after all. He'd have suggested she take the tiny guy home if her dad weren't allergic. This was better; more reasons for her to come over. She walked around the side of the building towards the back stairs entrance, and he followed her. They let Rudolf do his business one more time and then headed up. Austin fished for his keys and handed them to her, and she opened it up.

She set Rudolf down as they stepped into the tiny one-bedroom apartment. He was happy to be let free and started running around.

"Holy crap, it's so dull." She echoed the words in his head.

"When he said it was already furnished, he didn't mention perfectly matching."

The apartment had bare light beige walls, one big window, and off-white curtains. The décor was as basic as possible: a tan couch, a tan chair, a light wood coffee table with matching end tables, and a kitchen table. Even the few rugs in the kitchen and dining were a creamy color scheme pattern.

"If it makes you feel better, I'm still in my pink bedroom," Melody offered, "poster marks on the walls and everything."

"You didn't leave the boy bands up?" He teased her, and she laughed out loud.

"I mean, it was tempting, but no." she headed to the bags and started taking stuff out. Rudolf raced over when she squeaked one of his toys and started playing. Keep away with it.

"I might need your help," Austin looked around the drab room.

"Perfect time of year to ask for my help!" She chirped.

"Within reason on the Christmas stuff," he said warningly.

"Of course," she smirked with a flicker in her eyes.

He just chuckled and went to toss his bags in the bedroom. The bed was covered with, surprise, an off-white bedspread, and matching rugs. It had the same wooden dresser and accent tables as the living hall room. At least it was clean; his first apartment in London came with tiny four-legged roommates he didn't ask for.

She was still sitting on the floor when he stepped back out playing with the puppy.  She was smiling at Rudolf as he was happily wagging his tail. A lock of hair fell over her face, and he pictured himself brushing it back... like that night.

She must've felt his gaze because she looked up, and he quickly played it off as if he'd just walked in.

"Bedroom is just as oatmeal themed as out here," he informed her.

"That doesn't surprise me," she said as she stood. Rudolf went to his new bed and plopped down in it.

"Now might be a good time to sneak me back home," she motioned as the puppy fell asleep.

Austin felt his stomach drop; he wasn't ready for the day to end.

"Let me buy you a bite from downstairs first?" He suggested, "it's been a long day."

"Yeah, sure, I'm kind of hungry."

They headed back down and outside to the restaurant entrance. It was busy there, and Christmas music was already blaring through the speakers.

"Melody!" A tall, beautiful, raven-haired woman Austin recognized as Rafe's wife waved them to a table near the bar.

"Hey, Drea!" Melody greeted her as they headed over.

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