Chapter Two

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It was well past noon at Throne house when a tall, hairy, unshaved Austin emerged from bed

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It was well past noon at Throne house when a tall, hairy, unshaved Austin emerged from bed. He groaned like a bear waking from hibernation.

The last eight years were nothing but hard work and very little sleep. He reluctantly rose from his bed, walking across the soft carpet to the attached bathroom. It was recently remodeled. It was done in a white clean and very bright modern look. His dad was constantly updating the house. 

He managed to get himself together after a quick shower. He'd have to go get a haircut soon. It was overgrown and shaggy. No matter what he did, his unruly brown hair would hang in his eyes. He needed a shave badly, but he had his razor packed away. He was moving into his apartment later today, so he'd wait.

He was dressed in a thick navy sweatshirt and dark jeans. It was cold already in Frost Crest. Snowy too. He missed it, though. He loved his beautiful wintery town. Even in the summers, it stayed cool and breezy. One could see the snow on the mountain tops in the distance all year. London was amazing, but as they say, there is no place like home.

As he stepped down the familiar steps, it smelled like home too. A combination of cinnamon and freshly baked bread filled the air.

The large mountain home his dad had designed was perfect for this town. The big windows showed either view of the mountains or the town tucked into the valley below, depending on which you looked out.

The living and dining flowed into each other. They were big and open, making it easy to entertain  as his parents often did. A grand piano sat in the corner, as did a built-in bar. Soon his mom would have the entire room flowing with holiday décor. The tree first, then they decorate; that was the tradition.

The walls were white but had stone accents. It went well with the polished wood floors. The dining room table was massive, it sat near a large window with a breathtaking mountain view. It was always full of cookies and candies. Past the dining was an archway into a vast kitchen. His mom was an avid baker and cook. His dad ensured she had every appliance and tool she could use, with tons of counter space and room for her to move around.

He popped in to find his dad at the small eat-in kitchen table, sipping coffee. His mom was taking a pan from the oven.

"Morning, son," his dad, Edward, looked up from his paper. His hair had gone full grey and thinned a little at the top. His brown eyes were full of warmth as he smiled at his son. "Slept good, I bet."

"For the first time in eight years," he admitted with a laugh.

"I'm so glad for this break," His mom, Mary, said with relief in her eyes. Her hair was now streaked with grey and kept in a loose braid. Her face, although weathered, was still so pretty. "You work far too hard, Austin."

"The life of a doctor. It's how it is, darling," Edward reminded her, "It'll settle now that he's here."

"Until January, anyhow," Austin agreed.

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