Chapter 14 : Caught up

Start from the beginning

"So uh" crap now what do I do,

"where's Riley been?" Lucas asks helping me out,

"I have no idea, I haven't really messaged her much" I fiddle with my bracelet as I always do when I'm nervous, but why am I nervous.

"Do you think she's okay, I mean it's been almost been two weeks" he says sounding worried,

my heart sinks a little, why is he worried about her.

"yeah" I drift away and I notice his eyes land on my bracelet,

"that's the bracelet 'what's his name' gave you" he says gesturing to the bracelet,

I warm a little inside, I know he called Rebel that on purpose,

"It's Rebel" I correct him,

"what's the deal with that guy?" Lucas frowns,

I face forward still not confident enough to look him in the eyes, am I turning into Riley?

"I honestly don't know" I say remembering Rebel, he has been ignoring me the past few days,

"tell me" Lucas says turning me to look face him, I look into his stone cold eyes,

"tell you what?" I ask trying to avoid looking into his eyes,

"tell me how you honestly feel about him" he says looking into my eyes, a tone of sternness in his voice.

"I don't-" I attempt to brush it off,

I look at him and feel obliged to speak, "look he hasn't been texting me for the past few days, and honestly some times his so needy he won't let me out of his sight, and he makes me feel bad about myself" I try to stop myself but I feel the famliar burning sensation in my eyes.

"I just, I don't know what, I can't" I stutter,

I look at Lucas his eyes still glued to mine,

" I'm going to be alone okay?" my voice wavers at the last word and I can't stop now the words come rolling out,

"I don't wan't to be alone, I need to know there's somebody there for me and, when I'm with Rebel I feel like he's there to protect me" I breathe, now hyperventilating Lucas puts his hand on my shoulder.

"Maya a boyfriend doesn't tear you down, and only come to you when he needs help" Lucas says,

"you know he's been around with other girls right?" he adds,

I nod, and Lucas shakes his head solemnly at me,

"I don't want to be alone" I quiver, trying to control my breath,

"you won't" he says, I pause,

"what do you mean?" I ask him, my eyes filled with worry,

we look at eachother, frozen in time, my face is probably stained with dry tears right now but Lucas, wow he looks like a real prince,

he's going to kiss me, he's going to kiss me I scream inside my head,

we move in closer and closer, the thought of the taste of his lips ringing in my head,

"guys what the heck are you doing?"

I look up, and my heart sinks, oh shit.

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