"My boyfriend's phone can't be reached. I want to contact him. Can I use my mobile phone to send my boyfriend a WeChat message?" After Feng Lanxue was sure that she hadn't been kidnapped, she felt relieved, and immediately thought of Liao Chen, and immediately Said, did not recall that the faces of the three men in front of her became very ugly because of her words.    

 "Yes." Jian Yifan remained calm, and handed her the mobile phone that belonged to Feng Lanxue before. Feng Lanxue unlocked the phone again, but only opened it after making mistakes twice, then found WeChat, and exited the original login Wechat, enter your own wechat to log in, and then look up to Jian Yifan with a thankful smile.

    "Thank you, the great actor, by the way, my boyfriend is Liao Chen, he likes you very much~"

    With the happiness of a little girl, Feng Lanxue couldn't hide her feelings for Liao Chen when she said this. Not only did Jian Yifan look bad this time, but the expressions of the two people beside him also became bad.

    After logging into her own WeChat, Feng Lanxue found Liao Chen's WeChat. This is the WeChat of the two people who communicated privately. In order to prevent reporters from discovering, Feng Lanxue only raised her head after sending Liao Chen a message of where are you. Not so scary anymore. 

    Jian Yifan was talking with Feng Lanxue, while the other two had already left the room. After more than an hour, the doctor was brought into the room. Although Feng Lanxue didn't understand why she wanted to see a doctor, Jian Yifan said it was just a routine examination , so there was no resistance.   

  After the examination, the doctor told Jian Yifan and others that Feng Lanxue might have temporary amnesia, and he didn't know how long the amnesia would last, so he hoped that it could be treated soon. 

    Seeing that there was finally no one around, Feng Lanxue immediately went out secretly. She had already dressed before, it was a tracksuit, so it was naturally the best way to escape.   

  Crouching down and leaving the room, she saw a long corridor and two elevators. Feng Lanxue pressed the down button of the elevator, and the elevator opened immediately. After entering the elevator, she realized that she had just The place where I came out turned out to be the twenty-fifth floor... so high... Feng Lanxue, who has a small fear of heights, felt a little stressed.    

 She quickly went downstairs. This place should be a relatively prosperous apartment, and the decoration is very exquisite. Feng Lanxue felt that she would definitely not be able to live in it.    

 After leaving this neighborhood, Feng Lanxue didn't notice that there was a car following her behind her, so she took a taxi directly to the coffee shop she liked before, and the driver in the car even knew her name, which surprised Feng Lanxue.    

 When we arrived at the coffee shop, there were quite a lot of people in the coffee shop. As a result, as soon as Feng Lanxue entered, she felt that the coffee shop was much quieter. When she sat down at the seat she liked before, she heard screams suddenly appearing around her, and then she All the people in the coffee shop surrounded her.

    "Feng Tianhou! I can drink coffee with Feng Tianhou at the same place!!"

    "Feng Tianhou, can you sign me? I like you so much!" "

    I want to sign too, Feng Lanxue, I like you the most!!!"

    People in Zhou Qi chattered, but Feng Lanxue felt a little bit more pressure, especially when her name appeared from someone else's mouth, Feng Lanxue was even more surprised, her face was undisguised Surprised, then pointed to himself and asked.

    "Did you recognize the wrong person?"

    Seen by Tianhou's cute appearance, everyone in Zhou Dynasty smiled, and then talked to Feng Lanxue in a hurry, while the proprietress of the coffee shop squeezed out from the crowd , holding Feng Lanxue's favorite handmade coffee, which is Feng Lanxue's favorite.

    "Thank you, lady boss~ I didn't expect you to remember that I like to drink this~" Feng Lanxue immediately showed a smile when she saw a familiar person, blinding the faces of a group of fans around. Xue didn't open her mouth to drive people away, but the proprietress sighed.   

  "I haven't seen you here for a long time, but now you are not an ordinary person, you are a big actress, you have to take care of my business in the future~" Before Feng Lanxue became famous, the proprietress knew Feng Lanxue Afterwards, Feng Lanxue became a celebrity and never came again. The proprietress still felt a little disappointed, but now she found out that Feng Lanxue, who had just won the crown of actress two days ago, came to her to drink coffee. All gone.   

  Although she understands every word the proprietress said, she doesn't seem to recognize the combination... Feng Lanxue smiled, then lowered her head to drink coffee, her leisurely appearance made the fans around her almost scream, and the paparazzi who were hiding beside her They didn't hide anymore, they all came out to shoot in a fair manner.   

  Feng Lanxue drank coffee leisurely, and felt that she really wanted to go back to the past. She didn't think that Feng Lanxue these people were talking about was her, so when she saw that the time was four o'clock in the afternoon, she told the people around her.   

  "Well... Can anyone of you lend me a mobile phone?"

    As soon as the words came out, the fans around were immediately excited. There were more than a dozen people who put their phones on the table. Feng Lanxue was a little embarrassed, but she picked up one of them and found that it was not locked. The owner showed a smile.

    Familiarly pressed the cell phone number, but got the same result. Feng Lanxue was a little disappointed, but immediately thought of another number and called.

    Qiu Ruize, who had been sent to the company by his parents as an intern, actually didn't want to answer when he saw an unfamiliar call on his mobile phone, but it was too boring in the company, so he just answered the phone.

    "Rui Ze, I want to ask, Ah Chen's phone is down, do you know where he is? Can you ask him to call me?" The voice from the other end of the phone almost made

    Qiu Ruize unbelievable, and then quickly After realizing that the person on the other end of the phone was that woman Feng Lanxue, Qiu Ruize's tone was not good.

    "You still have the guts to call him Ah Chen? Don't you know where he went? Feng Lanxue, I really admire you for making the movie star fall in love with you. Liao Chen was sentenced to two years in prison. It's coming out soon, if you're sensible, don't contact Liao Chen again!!!"

    Qiu Ruize is Liao Chen's good brother, Qiu Ruize was also the first to know about Liao Chen's relationship with Feng Lanxue, of course, they broke up That's right, when Liao Chen was thrown into prison, why didn't Qiu Ruize know that Feng Lanxue did it? So she didn't have a good impression of Feng Lanxue at all, and hung up the phone angrily.

    The hung up phone made a delayed sound, but Feng Lanxue stayed where she was, shocked by the angry voice on the other end of the phone, and directly opened the phone's Baidu, only to find that the time on it was already two years After that...

    it was 16 years since she got into a car accident, but now it has been 18 years... almost trembling, I searched Liao Chen's information on Baidu. Her mobile phone fell on the table all of a sudden...

    How could this happen... Her Ah Chen, her Ah Chen is so good, how could she smoke that kind of thing...

    Tears fell suddenly. Although the fans around didn't understand what happened, they fell silent when they saw her crying...

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