Trama is Hard to Write*

Start from the beginning

He took a step towards me, his hand reaching out behind him and pulling the door shut so we could have privacy. My body started shaking before I even registered the fear flooding my body. Curtains had been pulled shut, and now my only source of light had been taken away.

"Please," I cried, wrapping my arms around myself as the memories of being trapped, waiting for the light to shine flooded my mind, "No more darkness."

I could hear the worried words and rushed movements, but I was no longer in the room with those males. I was with another one, who had just plunged my world into darkness and was about to extinguish the light inside of me.

Light quickly flooded the room again, and male bodies crowded over me. I lashed out, my lycan taking over and trying to protect my frailer human form. Hands wrapped around my wrists and ankles. New shackles keeping me chained in a softer prison.

"Aslin," A voice called from far away, as if I was underwater. "Aslin."

Azrael POV~

"Make sure this room is lit at all times," Ranar was saying, "She clearly has PTSD triggered by darkness. Try to keep her calm..."

I stopped listening, trusting that my brother would be able to focus on what he was saying. My sweet mate was lying on her back, her brows drawing together as she dreamed. I held her hand in mine, the difference in our size so apparent when she was so drained of life. All her usual interest and passion for the world had disappeared.

Aslin wouldn't be the same after she went through. I knew that, but a small part of me had expected her to curl up in my arms and let me hold her. Nothing would have prepared me for her panicked cries and thrashing limbs when the light went out. A heavy hand dropped to my shoulder.

"Az," My brother sighed, "You have to get some sleep. You look like you're about to fall over."

"Can't." I grunted, remaining focused on the slow rise and fall of her chest.

"Why don't you relax?" Killian growled, "She's right there. You killed Dran, you got the bad guy."

Memories flashed in my mind.

Dran's evil smile when he saw me approaching that small house that smelled like nothing. As soon as I got close enough the smell of her blood was stifling. Dran had put those flowers around the entire house, blocking her scent from me.

"What have you done?" I asked softly, my eyes flicking around the house for any sign of my female.

"You're early," Dran laughed, "It's okay. I'll still be able to watch your face as she dies."

"Az," Killian shook my shoulder, pulling me back to the present. "Are you going to be okay?"

"Yeah," I sighed, running a hand over my face to try and rid myself of the suffocating feeling. "Damn it. I should have known the dark would trigger her. He kept her in a fucking cellar. She was bleeding out in the dark and when- when-"

"You don't need to tell me," Killian growled, "I was there too, remember?"

"I picked her up and she asked me to let her die in the sunlight." I wiped my eyes, letting out a frustrated growl.

"Fuck," Killian sat down on the edge of the bed. "What are you going to do?"

I growled, "When she recovers we are going back to the mountain. It isn't safe for her here. Too many people."

"Okay," He agreed, his voice rough with emotion, "If that is what you want."

The thought of having to leave my family again was painful, but Aslin was my family now and she came first. "It's what is best for her. I can't risk her safety Killian."

Darkness flickered in my brother's gaze, but he quickly blinked it away. Taking a deep shuddering breath to calm the brewing storm inside of him. This conversation felt like I was having part of me ripped away, but it had to happen.

"I'll be back in a few hours to make sure you're doing alright," Killian growled, quickly exiting the room.

Aslin POV~

Slowly I stretched, keeping my eyes closed and slowly moving each of my limbs. Testing my mobility as memories slowly came back to me. Killian wrapped around me, Az shutting the door and plunging me back into the darkness I had been trapped in.

"Aslin," The growly voice of my mate called.

I was suddenly aware of his hand wrapped around mine. Opening my eyes slowly I squinted, my eyes slowly adjusted to the comforting light in the room. Looking to my right I saw my mate, hunched over in a chair with dark circles under his tired eyes. He lifted a glass to my lips and I took a grateful sip, my eyes continuing to scan the room.

"How do you feel?" My mate asked softly, "The healer left some tea for me to make you."

I frowned, "What happened?"

"The bond led me to you," Az gritted his teeth, "Killian took care of Dran while I found you."

"The duke," I gasped, memories of Dran's confession echoing in my mind, "He had your mother killed. He wasn't involved in this though, the count was the one that sent the assassin. Dran just wanted revenge and the count was encouraging him and helping him."

"Okay," Az nodded, his eyes had turned into pools of inky darkness, but he didn't move, "I'll let Killian know later."

"Az," I huffed, wincing as I pushed myself into a seated position against the fluffy pillows, "Go. Take care of what needs to be done. I'll be here waiting for you."

Azrael huffed, his eyes flicking between the doors and my sliced up body. Warring with the need for revenge and the need to help me.

Thinking quickly I said the only thing that was sure to make him leave, "Make it safe for me."

With those words Azrael shifted, his hulking form tearing out of the room without so much as a goodbye. It was better for me to be alone anyways. I needed time to sort out my thoughts. Forcing my stiffened limbs to relax I attempted to think through my experience, watching the sunlight and reminding myself that I was safe now.

"Aslin,"Maeve's smooth voice met my ears, "I brought you some broth."

"Thank you," I muttered, "Can you just leave it on the table?"

"Sure," She frowned, green eyes scanning my face, "Azrael will hopefully be back in a few hours. Garner and Chersan are in the city for the ball."

"Oh," I had forgotten about it, "Did you still have it?"

"No," She scoffed, sitting down on the chair next to the bed with a sigh, "My father postponed it for a week, but he is determined to still have it. He doesn't want to show any weakness to the other nobles."

"Okay," I reached my shaky hands towards the broth, but before I could grab it Maeve had already taken it, standing so she could lift it to my lips.

"Do you need anything?" She asked once I had finished taking a few sips, "Ranar the healer here said that your wounds will be healed in a few days. Tomorrow you can start walking around if you'd like?"

"That sounds good," I muttered, my eyes meeting hers, "Are you alright? You seem upset."

"Aslin," Maeve huffed, shaking her head, "You just went through something horrible. You should be concerned about yourself, not me."

I frowned, narrowing my eyes at her, "Is he okay then? I don't want to have to focus on myself."

"Az will be fine," She replied, setting down the broth and settling back into the chair, "I wanted to apologise for how I acted when you first-"

"Don't," I held up a hand, "I understand. You needed to make sure I wasn't using him. That isn't something to apologise for."

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