Rush Arc: Episode 4

Comincia dall'inizio

Amy: "Cat got your tongue, Sonic?" She playfully winked at him.

Sonic: "I-It's nice to see you too, Amy."

"As funny as this is, we need to hurry. Do you think you can ask her about Eggman and Blaze?"

Sonic: "R-Right. Amy, have you seen Eggman, or a cat girl named Blaze?"

Amy: "A girl?" She asked in a rather scary tone.

"W-What we mean is have you seen her? The space time continuum is a mess and Blaze is from another world. We've been chasing her but she's ahead of us."

Amy: "Oh! Why didn't you say so! I saw her not too long ago."

Tails: "What?!"

Amy: "She just passed by with Cream. They took off into space in pursuit of Eggman."

"Damn it. Thanks for the info, Amy. Come on guys, we have to move."

The two nodded as they hurried off to find a means to get to the space, but before he left, Sonic gave Amy a quick kiss, causing the pink hedgehog to squeal happily.

Observing for a while, the trio came across a warp pad. Standing on top of it, they were transported into Dead Line. Finally inside the space station, they looked aroind seeing that it was encased by a glass casing to keep the air in.

In their path laid many of Eggman's robots. Deriving from Solid Pawns, Laser Flappers and Egg Hammers. The Egg Hammers were a pain to destroy as they take more than one hit to destroy. The Egg Slides blocked most of the frontal attacks but were blown away when Killua and Sonic boosted.

Running down further in the space station, gravity began to shift. The two speedsters lost their balance as they were now on ceiling. Yet, they used this to their advantage as they used the ceiling as a track to run across. Killua used his chains to swing around to get across platforms and defeat enemies with.

Gravity shifted once more as the two landed back onto the ground. Wanting to get through this, they both boosted at full throttle to the end, leaving a trail of robot debris and lightning. Finally making it to the end, they came across Nega.

Sonic: "We won't let you get away this time, Nega!"

"You have nowhere to run now. Give it up!"

Nega: "Ha ha ha. I don't have time to chat with you right now."

???: "But come to think of it, I can just take your time."

Killua and Sonic turned around to see Blaze behind them as she walked towards Nega.


Blaze: "Long time no see, Eggman Nega!"

Nega: "Oh Blaze, my dear. I didn't expect to see you in this world. It seems Eggman has made a mistake."

Blaze: "So it was you guided Eggman to our world."

Nega: "Ha ha ha. It's best to get someone else to do the dirty work. I've been waiting for him to return with the gems. I couldn't care less what happens to our world." He remarked coldly.

Blaze stood there silently taking in his words before she snapped.

Blaze: "I will destroy you!"

Sonic: "That's pretty harsh."

Blaze: "He's my opponent. Go away!"

"No can do. He's our problem too if you haven't noticed."

Blaze: "I said I would resolve this on my own. I must protect my world! And I don't need anyone's help!"

Free and Wild like Lightning (Killua x Sonic the Hedgehog Series)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora