[15] I Can't. It Cant. We Can't

Start from the beginning

"Are you seriously gonna stand there and look all pitiful for him, Justine? When he was so close to raping the shit out of you no less than six hours ago??" She drops her eyes to the floor, unable to answer me.

"Come here..." I speak through clenched teeth. She looks at me with fearful eyes and hesitates to walk.

I know she's hurting, but this is what I'm using to prove her stupidity of trying to spare him.

She walks slowly and winces with each step. I flex my jaw and reach out, gripping her arm hard and yanking her all the way to me. She whimpers out louder and hits my chest. She breathes heavily and I look down at her.

"You're hurting, aren't you?" I speak strained into her face. She looks up at me in fear and nods slowly.

"But yet, you still find the will to want to help out the motherfucker who did this to you." I shake my head in disgust and she trembles.

"X, you don't have to beat him to death, I just don't want you to do that." My blood boils from the feeling of wanting to tell her 'okay, anything to make everything okay' but I can't.

I need to stop all of this.

"Well I don't fucking care what you want. So you're telling me, I shouldn't kill him for what he did?" I stare at her hard and she nods.

"You're taking this too far." She whispers softly.

"Too far? Too fucking far?? Nah, too far was when you mentioned my fucking mom! AND YOU WANNA TALK ABOUT TOO FAR!?" I feel myself about to go to that point of no return and once I'm there, I'm there. Seconds later Justine is no clutched against my chest. She's laying on the floor limply, a few feet away from Isaiah.

I pushed her. Pushed her away from me like she had a bad virus.

I tremble with anger and I hear that annoying ass subconscious in my mind.

Never have you treated her like that. Help her, tell her you're sorry, that you didn't mean it.

I shake my head and push the subconscious thoughts away.

I can't go there, it's not even right. I have to stop all of this. This thing I have brewing with Justine, it can't continue. I need to get away from her. She's too different... too pure.

"X, enough of that shit." Stoke growls from behind me.

I turn to see him glaring at me with bruised knuckles. I breathe deeply and stare at Justine on the floor. She pulls herself up slowly, to hug her knees to her chest.

How badly I want to make sure she's okay, but I can't. Instead, I make shit worse.

"Yeah, you're right Stoke, it is enough. I want her and Isaiah gone by the end of this week." Everyone looks at me like I just grown another head. Justine looks shocked.

"I-I can go h-home?" She stutters out confused and I laugh dryly.

"Fuck no. I'm sealing the deal with Zayn and Theo. You're out of here, for good. I snarl down at her and she frowns.

"But I don't-" She tries to get in a word, but I can't allow it.

I won't allow it...

"NO! YOU'RE FUCKING GONE! SUNDAY, I WILL ARRANGE FOR THEM TO PICK YOUR STUPID ASS UP AND TAKE YOU AWAY FROM HERE! I'M SICK OF ALWAYS HAVING TO WATCH OUT FOR YOU! YOU'RE COMPLETE NUISANCE! GET ALL THE SHIT I BOUGHT YOU, PACK IT UP AND GO STAY IN STOKE'S ROOM AND YOU BETTER HOPE TO FUCKING GOD, ISAIAH DOESN'T TRY AND RAPE YOU AGAIN, CAUSE I'M DONE! I WISH I NEVER TOOK YOU!" I yell loudly at the top of my lungs and everyone is frozen. I breathe heavily and try to calm myself down. Stoke slowly help Justine up and she winces again, and I try to ignore it. Stoke turns to me and gives me a look like he's just smelled something bad.

"You're fucking wrong. She ain't did shit to you. Isaiah is the problem..." He scolds me, before escorting Justine out of the room. I groan loudly and grab handfuls of my hair wanting to yank it out of my scalp. Robb chuckles.

"Bro, you're kicking her out? Why?"

"Right, she keeps everything so calm." Ool chimes in and I growl at them.

"GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!" They shake their heads and leave out. I sigh heavily and look down at Isaiah.

"What the fuck are you looking at?" I snap and he stares at me, smirking with a bloody face.

"You're making the right decision. You need to get rid of that bitch, she was making you too soft. That's the first time I've seen you handle her like that." I grit my teeth and kick him hard on my way out of his room.

"Shut the fuck up Isaiah and start packing your shit." I run a hand through my hair for the 50th time and head to my room.

I pass Stoke's door and hear him consoling Justine. I close my eyes, trying to ignore the thought of her crying and walk into my room, slamming the door behind me. I sink onto my bed and groan in the pillow.

Why am I like this?

Why did I take her?

How was I suppose to know she'd be an impact on us?

How was I suppose to know she was different from other girls?

I growl angrily at the thought and grab my phone off my night stand. I dial up the number and he answers on the third ring.

"X... how nice to hear from you. What can we do for you?" Theo speaks calmly. I press the phone tighter in my hand.

"Take her, the girl... Justine. You can have her." I growl lowly. He sucks in a sharp breath.

"Zayn will be so happy to hear this. His own little virgin pet." He chuckles lightly and I swallow the lump in my throat.

"Yeah, she'll be ready to be picked up Sunday." I speak calmer this time.

"Perfect. See you all then." The line hangs up and I toss my phone back on the night stand and bury my face back in the pillow.

This will be good for everyone. We can't have her around anymore.

I can't have her around anymore.


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