My Truth (5/31/22)

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I hope to escape the pain I've put myself through,
with all these unrealistic goals weighing me down

All reminders of something I want causing unnecessary pain,
yet the pain is my truth

A reflection of all my choices,
knocking me down as I try to climb out of one of my many messes

I want to be alone,
in a limbo with myself and my imagination

As it's the one thing that's stayed constant in my life,
besides writing

It's what's kept me pushing,
just like my heart

Life just keeps on going,
while my sanity slips through my fingers

This black hole inside me is getting bigger with time,
this jealousy feels like a crime

I hate that this feeling is back again,
it was supposed to be over

I went through the experience and learned my lesson,
but here I am back in this depression

As I fell out of it I wonder,
when will it end?

Reality Hits🍂🤎 Pt. 2Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora