Timeless - Our Love (11-17-21)

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Places, places
the shows about to begin

One for a life time,
one I'll replay in my head till I lose all my memories

When you're young that's how you act,
at least that's how I feel with him

"You look really nice"
take the compliment the voice in my head screams

is not the time
to be quiet of all things

Deep down I'm dying,
timeless - our love

It took steps though,
loving you all started with loving me

The necessity to protect myself from you,
in case you hurt me

Something I forgot for a while,
when I replaced myself with the temptations of others


Yet I love you too much,
to remain quiet as you weep

But I also love me,
because once upon a time I was lost in a dark place
where men like you weren't around

I'd mistake the moon's glow for the sun,
because it'd shine in the dark lighting my world as much as it could

It was pointless because the moon isn't the sun
It got to the point when I realized,
if it's dark now it means there's light somewhere else

Reality Hits🍂🤎 Pt. 2Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora