Impact (10-8-21)

5 0 0

Song: Mitski - Two Slow Dancers

I'm still confused by all of it,
why your existence barely left an impact on me

Days I'd dream to be you friend or to talk to you,
cause you were both out of my league

Then one day you did,
I didn't realize it was because your other options left

So I took advantage of it,
it was nice until it wasn't

Till it got tiring answering your text,
Till I stay up wondering if it was all a prank

My heart would race,
even at the thought of drama with you

But now i don't talk to either of you,
I don't care as much and I'm not disappointed

Kind of glad things worked out the way they did,
I got the experience and surprisingly didn't get hurt

Rate:5/10 for both,
what? I could've gave them a 3

They treated me like a side,
just waiting around for the main

When in reality,
they weren't anything like I expected

They probably expected less and I gave out more,
but with them it was an empty opposition

With the nobodies,
it was electric and amazing

At first I thought it'd fade,
but even now our flame still burns

I miss all those times I'd act like myself,
I miss her but she had to go
she took the spark with her

Reality Hits🍂🤎 Pt. 2Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя