This Is The Cycle Of Life (5/5/22)

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In a world full of people,
why do I feel so alone?

Stuck in a train of my own thoughts,
stopping me from reaching out for help

I've convinced myself no one can,
so I stay here

All these things pass me by,
envy and depression take a form in me

Because out of all the people here,
I'm the one who's stuck

The one who just wanted to be happy,
to feel that spark life once gave me

The experiences most high school girls get,
I'm skipping out on

Sometimes the train isn't too complicated,
it can be comforting in a way

But it gets tiring being in a doom you put yourself in,
I want to get out
So I write

I write for myself,
it has healing powers in a way
but who am I healed?

I still don't know but one thing I do,
nothing can change my bond with paper and pencil

This is the cycle of life,
my life

Reality Hits🍂🤎 Pt. 2Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora