Everlasting (11-16-21)

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it's what we all yearn for

You learn the hard way,
that everything is temporary

The second you stop chasing after it,
is when you gain peace

The balance of life,
what once was young and full of life now dead

it hurts so bad what was once living is now dead

Which is why you do everything,
making friends out of strangers on a boat

Making strangers out of friends,
once you loved now you hate

Learning mint chocolate chip ice cream will fix just about everything,
for all the times you've cried and for the pains of course

Learning to not envy someone else's blessings,
because what you think is a blessing could be cursed

It's why i will no longer compare my path to others,
at least I'll try

it was when i stopped searching for love in others,
that I found it in myself again

I say again because I've always believed it,
it's the world that convinced me otherwise

Reality Hits🍂🤎 Pt. 2Where stories live. Discover now