Volkner: This is a bake off, not a science convention. (Looks at the completed machine)

Sophocles: Well neither of us have any idea how to bake but we can make something that can bake.

Volkner: And what's this supposed to do?

Clemont: Well it has a high processor and state of the art technology and has a master gastronomy program.

Volkner: I meant what were we planning to make beside an invention.

Sophocles: Oh, it makes pies, I like pies.

Volkner: . . . I suddenly have bad feeling about this.

Serena: Careful Sylveon.

Sylveon: Veon. (Nods as she place a plate over a pan and turns it upside down)

Serena: Thanks. (Removes the molded pan and a set of cake are revealed)

Serena: Now we just have to decorate them.

Dawn: Piplup, use Bubble Beam and freeze them with Ice Beam.

Piplup: Pip plup pip pip plup (Froze some Bubble Beam as they slowly fall back down)

Dawn: I got them (catches some and place them around her Poffins) These should keep them cool.

Lillie: Snowy, can you use Powder Snow on the top.

Snowy: Pix ( Freezes a cake covered in white frosting )

Lillie: Hmm (Humming as she decorates it)

Soon there were many different desserts, cakes and sweets prepared.

Diantha: (With Sabrina and Brycen) Here (Takes out the cake from the fridge with icing over it). What do you two think of it?

Sabrina: Looks good enough.

Brycen: Yes and just in time.

Diantha: ? (Looks at the timer) But we still have 30 minutes?

Brycen: No, I mean this is the part where something bad happens.

Sabrina: We're not filming at the moment, what could possibly go wrong?

Brycen: A lot actually since you said those words.

Somewhere else...

Bede: No no no, this isn't how you decorate the cake!

Marnie: All you'll do is covered it in strawberry frosting.

Bede: It's not strawberry, it frosting of the colour, Pink.

Marnie: Do you want to be the one keeping an eye on the birds instead of Hop.

Bede: Humph, as If I had any trouble, I have to handle three Art- What's that in Zapdos's beak?

The two stopped bickering and looked at the orange bird's black beak which was clamping on a long metal pole with a pink berry at the end.

Hop: Not sure, Articuno and Moltres were arguing so I went to stopped them as Zapdos went off and came back with it.

Volkner: Should it be making that sound?

He said as looking at the baking machine that was producing a high steaming pitch and was shaking noticeably.

Clemont: No, the speed is set on extremely high!

Sophocles: Quick pull the- (Sees the lever was missing) What happened to the switch!

Before he could get a reply, the conveyor belt began turning, pies on it came out, and fell to the floor. This went on a while before the gears began to accelerate and the pies began flying to other contestants.

Some dodge the pies but soon got splattered by more that came in faster which caused a bigger mess when they knocked over their baked goods while some retaliated by reflexes when they get hit.

Melody: Oh my (Ducks back under an ice wall conjured by her Lapras) I wasn't expecting a food fight in this competition.

Glacia: There isn't. (Aligns her umbrella to block a pie)

Lorelei: Oh well, maybe Bruno's Pokémon are ready to have desserts.

Noland: Thorton! Can you shut that thing off!?

Thorton: Do not fret, my analysis suggests of me failing this 3.14159- (Gets spattered with pie)

Noland: Anything above 0 is bound to happen. (Grabs a wrench and make his way to the pie making machine)

This went on for a while before the machine finally stopped. Volkner had his Luxray destroy the hard drive and stopped it from making more pies. However the power source was still coursing and with no where to go, the power accumulated inside caused the machine to explode. Clemont and Sophocles were in charge of cleaning the mess as everyone went back to clean themselves up. Of course they weren't allowed to build anything to help them clean.

Serena: Well that was a disaster. (Dries her hair)

Lillie: And all that hard work for nothing.

Dawn: At least Ash probably had fun.

Just as she said that, Ash returned with Pikachu on his shoulder, followed by a Gardevoir and a Gallade behind him

Ash: Hey girls I'm back. (Comes into the room holding a cake.)

Lillie: Hey Ash. Where did you get the cake?

Ash: Huh? Oh I bought it, come on let's enjoy it together.

No one noticed the three Pokémon shared a glance and smiled

Everyone soon enjoyed that cake that Ash brought to them as they discussed what happened today.


I'm not really in the mood to write so I apologize if your hoping for newer chapters.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2023 ⏰

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