Chapter 6: The battle for the first badge

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Ash was walking alone in the woods, he was planning to get the first badge today after arriving on Pasio. He was curious who was.

"So Trista said that the first Leader would be here. But why do I feel like I'm not gonna like this one..." Ash said to himself as he walks through the forest.

It was almost noon as he looked around for any sign for the PML leader. He kept searching until he found what he was looking for.

The PML leader was sleeping under a tree with the leaves shading her face from the sunlight, beside her was a Leafeon. This was none other than Erika, the Celadon City Gym leader. But unlike the one he was familiar with, she was wearing an outfit which resembles her Leafeon a bit.

"Huh, so that's what those Sygna Suit look like."

As he said that out loud which woke her up.

Erika blinked before yawning, so did her Leafeon. As they woke up, they saw a boy with a Pikachu on his shoulder.

"Oh, hello there."

"Whoops..." Ash mentally face-palmed as he should kept his mouth shut.

Ash: Umm, sorry for waking you up. But I would like to have a battle for the badge if you don't mind.

Erika: Oh don't worry, I'm free to battle anytime, your the 3rd person to challenge me today. I was just taking a break. Girls! We have a new challenger!

As she said that, two girls with white top and blue blouse came out with their own Grass- types, Skiploom and Roselia walked to stand beside Erika.

Lass 1: Hey, like, where are your teammates?

Lass 2: Yeah, you don't want this to be a one-sided match do you?

"I'm pretty sure I'm already in a one-sided match, with me with the advantage." He thought.

Ash: I'm sure you heard the announcement yesterday about me.

Lass 2: No way, so like, your that mysterious person who Lear said to be like super strong.

Ash: That's about it.

Lass 1: Not to be rude but you don't look like the kind of guy.

Ash: Well looks can be decieving.

Erika: As I understand, how about you fight without following those rules, I would like to see how well you fare as I heard.

Ash: Right!

Ash took a moment before deciding which three he should use. Eventually, he decided the three he would use.

Ash: Okay! I Choose You! He sent out Bulbasaur, Pidgeot and Buizel. He has also used his trainer move without even noticing in the first place, it turns out that most, if not all of his Pokémon had the same Trainer Move as Pikachu, but sometimes it raised the Attack stat rather than just the Sp. Atk.

Erika: Huh, a water type?

Ash: Well, you told me not to hold back.

Erika: With that attitude, you won't get far, Leafeon Go!

Lass 1 & 2: Go!

As the battle started Erika tried to use her strategy.

Erika: Like always Leafeon, use Sunny Day!

The sunlight intensified, Leafeon suddenly seems faster. The other 2 were ordering Sludge Bomb and Bullet Seed.

Ash: Buizel, use Aqua Jet to dodge and hit Skiploom! Pidgeot, send those seeds back at them! Bulbasaur, use Solarbeam!

Unwavering Destiny (Hiatus)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें