Chapter 8: Meeting Together

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The source of the sound came from a girl with Honey blond hair with a red hat and pink clothes. This was none other than Serena, who is together with Lillie and Gladion behind her.

"Ser-" Before he could finish saying his suprise, Serena had tackled Ash onto the ground.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry-" She kept saying the same words, trying her best to apologize to him for what she had done.

"Serena!" Ash yelled to get her attention. She stopped and looked at him in the eye, she saw that there wasn't any hatred or grudge in them, they were calm and relaxing.

Ash: I know you weren't part of their plan. You were probably threaten do follow their command, is that right?

He had a feeling back then by the tone of her voice, she wasn't saying it on her own accord, she was forced to.

He stood back while helping Serena up and looked towards the Aether siblings.

Ash: I guess you guys also arrived here as well?

Gladion: We didn't know it at first, we were kind of in the middle of a blizzard while going through Hoopa's ring.

Ash: A Hoopa's ring!?

As they were talking, someone else were nearby spying on them.

???1: Come on, we just go there and snatch their Pokémon and get out of there quick!

???2: Are you insane! Did you not see what that one boy did to an army of Team Rocket!

???1: They're all probably tired after facing all of them.

???3: Unlikely, they don't look exhausted at all. They could go on for hours, days even! We don't even have a Pokémon to teleport us out if this fails.

???4: Then how about we wait for him to return all of his Pokémon before snatching their Pokéballs.

???3: That could work, we'll wait around a little longer.

As Ash and his friends were discussing, another group had arrived.

"Hmm, reports saying that the tremor occurred here..." A young man with red sunglasses looked around the area. Until he notice a pile of unconscious grunts and Pokémon, another group of Pokémon standing together around 4 people.

"You there! What happened here!?"

"Huh?" The 4 teenagers looked towards the source.

Ash: Hmm, Oh! Hey aren't you Lear!

Lear: That is right, and you are Ash. Is that correct.

Ash: That's right!

Lear: Hmm, it seems that you are a strong trainer along with them to take on this many grunts.

Lillie: Actually, we didn't do anything. Ash was the one who did all the hard work.

Saying this astounded Lear's group.

Sawyer: My, taking them all on all by yourself, you're a tough one aren't you?

Ash: Thanks umm...

Sawyer: Oh, The names Sawyer, as you know, he is Lear, the young master and-

Rachel: Heyaaa~ the names Rachel~

Sawyer: Ughh... Rachel, please don't interrupt people when they're talking.

Rachel: Whatever~

Sawyer: *Sigh* Anyway, we'll take care of them, hopefully they'll give us the location of their hideout.

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