Event 3: Fright Night

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Scottie, Bettie, Rosa and Lillie who they're familiar with were taking a stroll through town, everywhere they went was decorated for the festive season of Halloween.

It was late evening as they were walking around the Plaza as they received countless of prizes, most of them being candies.

Rosa: Great work everyone, look at all these treats we got!

She said as Scottie was a bit behind them pulling the load on a wagon, his Pikachu wasn't helping since he's sitting on the bag, munching on some treats.

Scottie: Uh-huh-huh... Can we take break, I need to take a rest real quick.

Lillie: That is quite a load we earned, will be able to finish them all?

Rosa: I'm sure maybe we can share them with everyone else.

Bettie: And I'm sure Gloria's Zacian wouldn't mind having what's left.

Scottie: I could use a break please, how about we stopped by over there.

The girls followed where Scottie was pointing and saw a giant purple house as big as Lear's Castle with a wide lawn around, the material seems to be made of wood with many Pumpkaboo lanterns and Zubat cutouts hanging from the window with yellow light shining from the inside. The door was big and painted red, the yard around the house was wide with purple streamers across it. The roof was unique with two taller towers on the sides resembling a castle. Standing in front of the entrance was an old man with a lab coat.

Lillie: Hey that's-

Prof. Oak: Oh! Hello there. I see you all arrive at this new attraction.

Scottie: Umm, who are you again?

As he said that, his friends fell to the ground, knowing where he was going with this.

" Ah, I see. Well could you tell me, are you a Boy or a Girl? " Professor Oak shot back with another joke making the group dumbfounded.

Scottie: Ehe-he Wait! I was just joking.

Prof. Oak: (Chuckles) You're not the only one who can come up with jokes.

Bettie: Sorry for brother Professor.

Prof. Oak: It's quite alright, I've been waiting for someone to ask me that line again.

Rosa: Ignoring that, what's all this about?

Prof. Oak: Well, Lear came up with an idea for this year's festive event and has ask me for some help.

Lillie: What kind of help?

Prof. Oak: Well I could tell you, but I think it'll be more fun for you kids to find out yourself.

He says that while leading them to the building.

" Now before you all enter, I'm sorry to say this but it would be best for your partner Pokémon to stay inside their Pokéball, and I would like to ask one of you to hold on to this." He says as he gave them a Pokédex.

Scottie: A Pokédex? Why would we need one for?

Prof. Oak: Well, inside you'll discover that you'll not be alone, it's filled with Pokémon. It'll be a great chance for people to learn more about them.

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