Event 1: Strongest Fighters! Part 2

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Ash: Flamethrower, you know what to do next!

Korrina: 'what to do next'?

Infernape let out flames toward Poliwrath who soon unleashed Hydro Pump, both moves collided and covered the area with steam. Poliwrath's Hydro Pump soon overpowered Flamethrower and kept going, but Infernape didn't scream in pain from the attack. The wind soon blew the steam away revealing Infernape no where to be seen

Ash: Primeape! Use Outrage!

Ash took this opportunity and call out his next move while they were distracted.

Bruno: Close Combat!

Primeape began to throw punch and kicks toward Machamp who used all four arms to counter them all.

Chuck: Help them out with Mud Shot!

Poliwrath charged once again but fired mud instead towards Machamp who was infront.

Ash: Now!

Just then, the cracks appeared below as heat energy leak around the battle field. Soon the ground broke apart with flames coming out everywhere. Mud Shot didn't hit it's mark as it was incinerated by the fiery walls It was mostly focused on Poliwrath but Machamp was hit by it was well.

Primeape had avoided the attack by holding onto Hawlucha who used the hot air to take them away from the sudden eruption.

Korrina: Woah, this power! It's on a whole new level!

Gloria: This is almost as hot as Leon's Charizard!

Scottie and Bettie looked on with awe, watching how exciting this battle was.

Bettie: Such strength...

Scottie: Yeah... We really got a long road ahead... To be the strongest.

The attack subsided revealing an unconscious Poliwrath. Not far from it Infernape came out of the ground exhausted.

Ash: Great Job Infernape!

Chuck: Looks like I'm out.

Bruno: But this battle isn't over, Machamp it's time!

Ash looked at Bruno who took a stance.

Bruno: Hoo... Hah!

He swung a fist forward and said " Come On! " Machamp began throwing multiple punches, each punch release a fist projectile heading towards Ash's Team. With a larger one being following behind last.

Bruno: Trained-to-the-Max Dynamic Punch

Ash looked towards the incoming All-Out Pummeling knock-off before smiling, as he did a pose.

Ash: Primeape! Let's give it all we got.

Primeape began being filled with energy transmitted from the Sync Stone, performing his own Sync Move he jumped up and down a few times before rushing forward swinging his glowing limbs repeatedly at the projectiles.

Ash: Furious Close Combat!

Primeape swung his arms to destroy each hit while closing its distance between him and Machamp, after destroying most of the attacks, in came the final large blow that approach Primeape with more force.

Primeape took in a breath before letting it all out with all his strength left, rivalling the Sync Move. Primeape kept hitting the huge fist until it started to stop moving while cracks formed on it.

Everyone was suprised when Primeape breakthrough Bruno and Machamp's Sync Move as he finally reach Machamp and used what's left of energy he had, and hitting Machamp rapidly.

Unwavering Destiny (Hiatus)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora