Event 1: Strongest Figthers! Part 1

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Scottie, Bettie, Gloria, Korrina and Bea were out on the mountain training. As they were about to head back, they encounter Bruno and Chuck who had invited them over to have some snacks with them.

We now see all seven of them enjoying various desserts from different regions, from Rage Candy Bars from Johto to Malasadas from Alola.

Gloria: Wow, these are all delicious!

Chuck: Hahaha! Have as much as you want. You'll need the energy after training like that!

Korrina picks up a lava cookie and said "I've never gotten to try these before."

Bruno: Help yourself, we've got plenty of them.

Bea: Thank you for your generous offer.

Chuck: Don't mention it, kiddo!

Scottie and Bettie were enjoying the treats as well while their Pokémon ate together.

But not long after, an explosion could be heard as the ground shook.

Gloria: Woah, what just happened!?

Bruno: Hmm... It seems someone else is training here.

Another tremor occurred making everyone but Bruno and Chuck wobble as they try to balance while standing as the shaking dismissed.

Korrina: But isn't this a bit much?

Chuck: Goes to show how hard this trainer is training.

Bea: I believe it came from just ahead, behind these walls.

"Why don't we check it out?" Gloria turned toward the brother and sister who were back on their feet and gave her a nod.

Bruno: Very well then, follow me.

He said as everyone made their way deeper across the mountain.

Bruno knew the mountains of Pasio like the back of his hand, as he had trekked back and forth to train in solitude.

Arriving at their destination, it was a sight to behold. A Lucario was in the middle of a crater with a Primeape, Infernape, Scraggy and Hawlucha surrounding him. A person wearing grey and blue clothes, his gloves and boots were blue with yellow lines across them. He also wore a real cape and holds a staff with a crystal on the tip. A Pikachu could be seen sitting on his shoulder with a Ralts beside his feet.

Gloria: I wonder who that is?

Bruno: Hmm, I've heard rumours about a new trainer who had just arrived here, he was the one who took down an army of grunts by himself with the help of his Pokémon.

Korrina: Wow, that's just amazing! His Lucario even has a mega stone on him.

She said that as her own Lucario came out of his Pokéball and to observe his surroundings and it's attention was at the Lucario in the middle.

Naturally, the other Lucario turned to look at who he sensed nearby. The rest of the Pokémon stopped to see what caught his attention and looked towards the group.

???: Hmm? (Turns around) Oh hey, nice to meet you. Did I cause you some problems?

Bruno: Not at all, we just came to see what caused that rumble we heard.

Ash: Oh right, sorry! I guess we went a little overboard. My name is Ash and I'm from Pallet Town.

Chuck: Pallet Town eh, so your from Kanto?

Ash: That's right, I was in Viridian Forest before somehow ending up here without notice. Turns out it was a work of a Hoopa here.

Korrina: Oh that's right! Lear has a Hoopa as his partner.

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