If it was before, both Liao Chen and the people in this ward would have believed Li Lanxin's words, but after passing through Liao Chen's "memories" these days, they really don't have a good impression of Li Lanxin.

    "Will you like me no matter what I become?" Liao Chen only thought it was funny when he heard this, but when he thought of the original treatment of the original owner, his expression became ferocious.

    "Li Lanxin, touch your heart. Did you offend your conscience when you said this? When I was young, I fought with people in the orphanage just to grab a bite of food for you. When I grew up, I bought it for you. Clothes are constantly working outside to make money, and I pay for your college tuition. Do you really like me? If you like me, you will flirt with other men in my ward right after my operation? If you like me, you secretly Ask the hospital for my medical expenses? You like me and you go to work at the company of the person who bumped into me? Or do you come to see me because you dressed up to see me?" Liao Chen was like a sick patient

    . Without suppressing my fear and anxiety for more than a month, I roared ferociously.

    "Li Lanxin, I deserved to be hit by a car because of you! I can't afford your liking!!!!"

    After tearing off that layer of calm camouflage, Liao Chen is just an ordinary person, even he He has a stronger heart than others, but he is still an ordinary person.

    When he was framed by his uncle, he found that he liked men more than women. Later, he founded the Liao Group from scratch. These were all very precious memories of Liao Chen, but no matter how strong a person is, he may be paralyzed in the face of It's still easy to lose your mind when you have your legs.     Even though Zhou Ziqing had said that his legs would be fine as long as they recovered properly, but through the plot, the original owner's disability was still hanging above his head like a knife, which made Liao Chen feel terrified.     It is precisely because of this that he has a 'different feeling' for Zhou Ziqing, 'likes' Zhou Ziqing, looking forward to meeting Zhou Ziqing every day, but he just wants to draw from this person the power to make him feel at ease, Such a self made Liao Chen feel weak.

    Such is the inferior nature of human beings, when they are drowning, they always want to grab something to save themselves, but in the end they can only sink into the mud.

    How could Liao Chen not know that when he wakes up from the pain every day, it is sometimes three or four o'clock? But he still called Zhou Ziqing, not because he missed or liked him, but because he wanted someone to encourage him when he was in pain and helpless, to let him know that he would not walk into the original owner's life .

    He, Liao Chen, absolutely cannot tolerate being a person with paralyzed legs.

    Liao Chen's sudden outbreak was unexpected by Zhou Ziqing and the others. In the eyes of Xiaodie and the others, Zhou Ziqing was almost the most cooperative patient. From the very beginning, he showed an accepting attitude towards taking medicine or rehabilitation. , not as hysterical as the other patients showed, calm and not like a normal person at all, but now, throwing away this layer of calm disguise, they seemed to suddenly see Liao Chen's pain.

    Zhou Ziqing clenched his hands slightly by his side, staring closely at the crazy man in front of him, he almost couldn't believe that Liao Chen in front of him was the Liao Chen who was smiling and talking to him before, and felt a pain in his heart for some reason.

    Tears kept falling, Li Lanxin shook her head while backing away, she also seemed to be frightened by the crazy Liao Chen, she opened her mouth as if she wanted to say something, but was frightened by Liao Chen's wolf-like eyes.

    The air in the ward froze for a moment. Liao Chen vented the depression of these days, and felt a lot better. He suddenly turned his head to look at Zhou Ziqing, blinked at Zhou Ziqing, and narrowed his eyes, as if the crazy person just now Not at all like him.

    "Miss Li, the patient is about to take medicine now and needs to be quiet. Please leave the room." Xiao He was always so rude. After pouring the water, she walked directly in front of Li Lanxin and gave the order to evict her.

    Xiaodie also helped out. After getting the painkillers, she tested the temperature of the water and asked Liao Chen to drink the medicine. At this point in time, the pain in her legs could easily recur.

    Li Lanxin, who was ordered to leave the guest, did not leave, she still looked at Liao Chen who was drinking medicine pitifully, bit her lip, and said.

    "Liao Chen, you believe me, I really like you, I really didn't come to you on purpose these days, do you know? I found my family, my biological parents came to me, Liao Chen, Aren't you happy for me?"

    After taking the medicine, Liao Chen said that he really didn't expect the heroine to be so thick-skinned that she could stay and talk, glanced at Li Lanxin, but Liao Chen didn't speak.

    "I didn't expect my biological parents to come to me. They are very kind to me. Liao Chen, I told them about you. They also want to meet you very much. You will like them too, right? I like you, and my biological parents will also like you. From now on, my parents will be your parents, okay? Let me take care of you, okay?" Liao Chen's silence gave

    Li Lanxin a chance to speak, and she continued immediately Said, his face was full of excitement, in stark contrast to Liao Chen's cold face.

    "Hehe, so what? Li Lanxin, I don't want to hear so much from you, so just tell me what you want from me."

    Liao Chen sneered even more at this moment about his biological parents. There is no such a pair of "biological parents", so either Liao Chen has been concealed, or the plot is not important and has been ignored.

    The other three people in the ward all looked at Li Lanxin. Li Lanxin choked on Liao Chen. Although she was a little embarrassed, she still didn't want to leave, and there was a hint of pleading in her voice.

    "Liao Chen, can you help my parents? My parents lost some money in business, just over one million. Can you help them ? "

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