"Let me out, you bitch!" She yells before reaching for the chains on the door and pulling.

When he realises she can't do it, Billy pulls her out of the way and attempts to unchain it himself, only for a rock to be sent flying at his forehead by Lucas' wrist rocket.

They watch the door fearfully as the lights begin to flicker, only to hear a few cries from behind it, "Benji?"

"Don't fall for it." Lucas holds the boy back from walking any closer.

"Benji?" Her voice is louder, "Please, Ben, my head - it hurts."

"You're gonna be okay, Miss." Benji tries to reassure her, his voice cracking as a tear falls down his cheek.

"Ben?" She speaks up again, "I'm scared, Ben, please let me out."

Benji slaps Lucas' hand anyway and cautiously makes his way towards the door, making sure to keep a bit of distance considering the window is now broken.

"Please, Benji," the girl begs before standing up from her place on the floor so that she can look out the window.

Benji has to swallow the bile that rises up his throat at the sight of her wound, the dark blood resembling the ink in is father's old fountain pens trickles down from her forehead to her cheek and she stares at him with a broken expression.

"I can control it, Benji, I promise," she pleads with the boy, a tear rolling down her cheek, "Please, I'm hurt!"

Benji walks closer, ignoring the warnings from his friends as he ends up just inches away from the girl.

Missy reaches through the window slowly, not even wincing as the broken glass scrapes against her arm. Benji flinches slightly when she places a hand on his cheek, her thumb brushing the tear away from under his eye.

"Please?" She begs but he takes a deep breathe before replying in a quiet voice,

"What, uh, what were the flowers that were in my hair the other night?"

Their other friends share confused glances but Benji only watches Missy as her brows furrow slightly.

"It's not important right now, Ben, I need medical attention!"

"Answer the question, Missy, please." He practically begs the girl, "I need you to answer the question."

"Roses." She says, which is obviously a guess, and Benji gently pulls away from her hold as more tears spill down his cheeks.

"We're doing this to save you, Miss, I'm sorry."

He walks back to his friends, only angering the girl, "Benji! Benjamin! Get the fuck back here," she screeches, slamming her body against the door, "Let me out! Let me the fuck out!"

Missy walks away from the door only for Billy to take her place, running with all his might and throwing his whole body weight against the chained door.

"They can't get out, can they?" Max asks the group in worry and Lucas shakes his head,

"No way, no way!"

With a final slam, the door slams open and the boy rolls to his feet while Missy saunters out with a smirk.

Eleven uses her powers to lift a weight before throwing it towards them, Missy ducks just in time while Billy is held against the wall by the weight.

The Kennedy girl conjures a ball of fire and hurls it towards El, who sends it flying in the other direction with her telekinesis.

Which also means that she had accidentally let Billy free from her hold. The boy in question grabs her by the neck and holds her up, choking her.

However, Mike is quick to grab a metal pole and hit Billy around the head with it, "Go to hell you piece of shit!" He attempts to hit him again but Missy catches the pole with a teasing smile,

"Don't try to be intimidating, Michael," she twists the pole out of his grip before swiping his ankles with it, effectively knocking him off his feet, "It's pathetic."

Billy gets up and gently pushes Missy behind him before backing Mike up against the wall. However, he's lifted into the air by Eleven's telekinesis and is thrown through the brick wall.

"Missy?" Benji speaks up from the side when he sees the girl seems to be stuck between following Billy and staying with the party.

She's about to stay when the voice sends a chill down her spine, "Go with him, Melissa. You're important to my plans...I'm on your side, remember?"

Without another word, the Kennedy girl leaps through the hole in the wall and chases after Billy's retreating figure.
"The girl, was it her?" Heather asks after the two had explained the events at the pool.

"Yeah, it was her." Billy nods, "She knows now, she knows about us." He gestures between himself and Missy.

Missy catches Heather's hand when she attempts to clean the cut on her forehead, "She could have killed us."

"Not you, my dear Melissa," the voice corrects her in her head, "You see this army?"

Missy looks around at the building full of people that herself, Heather and Billy had managed to flay.

"They will protect you. We're on the same side."

"Yes," Heather's voice brings her back to the conversation, "But not us." She says, referring to their growing army and Missy smirks slightly when she hears a familiar growl.

The Kennedy girl stands up and heads over the monster, throwing a foot from the guy it had last fed on towards it and the monster catches it in its mouth.

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