Hair to Stay: Appetizer

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Hair to Stay: Appetizer

The curtains were drawn and the lights were turned off so that the brightly burning candles were all the more visible. Fifteen pastel pink candles were arranged in a circle on a moist chocolate cake covered laced with pink creamy frosting. The cake sat at the centre of a small round table. Everyone was gathered around the table: Grandmother Sonia, Grandfather Sasha, Mother, Father, Aunt Catherine, Uncle Chester, Cousin Fiona and, of course, Evangeline herself. After belting out the chorus of "Happy Birthday", Evangeline's relatives cheered and clapped as she blew out the candles. The room was plunged into darkness. Her mother flicked the switch and on came the lights, revealing a beaming Evangeline.

"Vanna, open my gift first!" said Grandmother Sonia, placing a bundle wrapped in pink paper and tied with a silver bow onto Evangeline's lap.

Vanna's hearty smile was now plastered onto her face. She was not too excited to open this particular present. Her grandmother meant well but never really gave her a "teen-worthy" present as far as Vanna was concerned. Vanna pulled on one of the end of the silver bow and the bundle unravelled easily in her lap. Something spilled out of it. Vanna caught it before it hit the floor and held it against herself. Her parents cooed at how "cute" it was and her grandparents and aunt and uncle glowed. Vanna kept her false smile in place and turned the gift towards herself so that she could examine it more closely. It was a knitted sweater, Grandmother's handiwork. The sweater depicted a pink unicorn standing under a rainbow against the sky blue colour of the main threads.

"Try it on," instructed Margaret, Evangeline's mother.

Vanna hesitated.

"Go on!" said her father, David, sternly.

Grandmother Sonia's smile began to falter and Vanna quickly pulled the sweater over her head. She stood up, turning to and fro, showcasing her new article of clothing. Everyone grinned and nodded encouragingly with the exception of her first cousin and best friend, Fiona, who gave her a horrified expression. Vanna took off the sweater and folded it neatly. She placed it on the table and turned her attention to her other presents. She had appeased Grandmother Sonia who was now fishing through the drawers for plates and knives and forks for cake serving. Fiona's parents, Catherine and Chester, were deep in discussion over some political manner. Margaret, who had always abhorred politics, escaped to the kitchen. Margaret and Catherine were sisters and Sonia and Sasha were their parents. The cake was cut and generous helpings were given out. Vanna nudged Grandfather Sasha awake so that he could receive his plate and soon the room grew quiet as everyone indulged in the cake.

Vanna shoved her plate away the moment she was finished and leapt to her feet. She threw a pleading look at her mother who nodded in reluctant approval. Vanna grinned at Fiona and the two darted from the room.

"Wait a second," said Vanna's mother, following behind them. "You can both go on one condition."

"What is it?" asked Vanna.

"You know how easily you catch cold," chastised her mother, holding out two sweaters, a simple blue one for Fiona and the sky blue unicorn one for Vanna.

Vanna groaned but took the sweater and pulled it on. Fiona stifled her own laughter and shrugged into her own sweater. They fled the scene.

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