Drop Dead, Beautiful: Dessert

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Drop Dead, Beautiful: Dessert

Mr Alistair Schnauzer himself was the main judge of the Miss All-That and a Bag of Schnauzer’s Beauty Pageant. He dressed in his best suit on the evening of the pageant. He gave himself a cheesy grin in his floor-length bedroom mirror. He practiced his wink. Gary walked in, wearing a similar suit. Gary was not only the guy from the pageant ad, he was also Mr Schnauzer's younger brother.

“You look like hell,” said Gary, glancing at his elder brother’s bloodshot eyes.

“Likewise,” muttered Alistair, looking at the bags under Gary’s eyes.

“Didn’t get much sleep last night,” Gary mumbled, adjusting his tie in the mirror.

“Yeah, well, me neither,” said Alistair, stepping out of the bedroom and into the upstairs hallway.

Gary and Alistair were life-long bachelors and their mansion was their pride and joy. Alistair had started the business the moment he graduated from college and his younger brother had partnered with him the moment he graduated. Alistair walked briskly down the spiral staircase. He intended to have a big dinner before the pageant. He had to make it himself as Sunday was the maid’s day off. As he took out the pancake mix, he regretted putting on his suit before he started cooking. He was not about to change now. He threw on the apron his maid usually wore. He loved having breakfast foods for dinner. It was six in the evening and already dark outside. The pageant began promptly at eight and would end at midnight. The guests needed to be seated at 7:45 pm but the girls, the small crew and the judges were expected to be there by 7:00 pm. Alistair and Gary wanted to be the first two to arrive. 

“Punctuality is the politeness of princes,” Alistair said to himself, glancing at the clock, “That’s what mom always said.”

He whisked the mixture in a bowl, humming to himself. He did not notice the shadow that crept over him.

Gary was not only the second judge but also the host. He was busy practicing his radio voice when a blood-curdling scream sent shivers down his spine.

“Alistair!” yelled Gary, rushing from the room and bounding down the staircase.

He found his brother, passed out, but otherwise unharmed. Gary shook him and he soon opened his eyes. They were no longer bloodshot but perfectly clear and full of energy. Alistair sprang to his feet like a jungle cat. Gary got up and took a step back.

“What’s with you?” asked Gary.

“Nothing, nothing,” said Alistair, “For the first time in a long while, I feel so alive!”


Olive and her grandparents arrived at Miser’s Hills’ Theatre where the pageant was being held. The entrance room was decorated with streamers and balloons all bearing Schnauzers, some mid-bark, others with their heads cocked to one side. The manager of the theatre escorted Olive backstage where the other girls were already getting dressed, fixing their makeup and hair. Olive chose a place near the corner of the room. She looked into the mirror lined with dimly glowing bulbs. She took a deep breath and began to get ready.

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