"Nandini, what has happened? Please tell me," Vivek requested once Nandini's cries reduced, and she fell silent.

"Rishabh is not a good person, Vivek," Nandini replied to him, and Vivek frowned hearing her.

"What do you mean, Nandini? The way Rishabh respectfully talks with Maa and Papa, I have always considered him a well-mannered and dignified person. You must be mistaken about him," Vivek said to Nandini, unable to understand why she was bad-mouthing Rishabh.

"It is that well-mannered and dignified person who slapped me a while ago, Vivek. He had ordered me to cover up the mark, but before I could do that, you came here," Nandini told Vivek.

Breaking the hug, Vivek looked at Nandini. She was looking down at the floor, her eyes still shedding silent tears and her demeanor tense and apprehensive.

Vivek found Nandini's words hard to believe because Rishabh's father is Papa's childhood friend, and his family has been a part of their family ever since he can remember.

And he has always thought of Rishabh as a good man. The way he talks and carries himself, he can never misbehave with Nandini.

But he also cannot disregard what Nandini said just because he has always assumed Rishabh to be a nice person.

He knows his sister. He knows she never lies to him, especially about a sensitive matter like this.

So, holding Nandini's arms, Vivek made her stand up from the floor and took her to sit on the couch. And sitting in front of her, he started speaking. "Tell me everything from the beginning, Nandini. What happened between you and Rishabh? Were you two fighting about something, and he lost his cool on you?"

Nandini clamped her hands together, taking deep breaths as she felt her face and whole body going warm. How can she tell her brother what Rishabh had done to her?

'You need to tell him, Nandini. You cannot keep tolerating and suffering through what he is doing to you,' her mind reasoned.

But she was still skeptical about what she should do. Even if she gathered enough courage to tell Vivek the truth, what would she do if he also did not believe her? Exactly how her mother had not believed her when she had told her everything a week back.

'You did not have any proof then, but you have the evidence now. You can show Vivek and everyone else what Rishabh has been doing to you,' her mind quipped.

Nandini jolted out of her thoughts when Vivek called her.

"Please tell me, Nandini. I am getting worried here," Vivek said to her.

Taking a deep breath, Nandini looked at Vivek and uttered the most painful truth of her life. "Rishabh has been molesting me for the last six months."

Vivek was shocked as he heard Nandini.

His sister was.... And that Rishabh.... For six months....

He was so angry and hurt that he could not form coherent thoughts, let alone react or say anything.

Nandini looked at Vivek, who had completely stilled where he was seated.

"Please, believe me, Vivek. I had told Maa the entire truth the last week, but she refused to believe me. That is why I recorded everything that Rishabh did with me in this room today. I have the evidence, and I can show it to you. Please believe me," Nandini pleaded, and Vivek felt his eyes fill with tears as he heard his sister's pleas to believe in her.

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