The Dress

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"Ok, here I come!" I announced as I stepped forth from behind a wall. "Go faster! I wanna see you!" Kiko nearly screamed. She was wearing a turqouise dress with a bunch of ruffles and white flowers, her newly washed hair shone in a cute bun, and she paired it all with a set of golden flower jewelry. 

I stepped into her sight slowly and revealed my white dress. Had a tight and strapless upper body that sprouted into a gorgeous mess of white ruffles and fabric as the skirt. I wore my hair down nothing but a golden swan pin in it, which also matched my golden swan jewelry. The only thing that didn't match was the ring I had stolen from Hort that day in the Clearing. I don't know why or how the urge to wear it came over me, but it did, and that must mean something?

"You look like you're about to get wed!" Kiko squealed and ran over to me before she stopped hot in her track. Her eyes widened. "Are you marrying Tedros??" she asked in shock, her mouth wide open. "No!" I replied without hesitation. "This dress just reminds me of my mother. You know, the swan thing and all." I explained. "Oh right!" Kiko understood as she looked at the golden clock that hung on our wall. 

"We need to go!" she jumped in excitement. "I can't wait to dance with Tristan!" she fantasized as she dragged me towards the door. She stopped once again. "Do you think we'll kiss??" she asked with a ghasp. I looked at her with joking judgement. "Of course you'll kiss!" I burst out in excitement for her. She squealed once more before she dragged me out of our room.

I followed her, oblivious about what was going to happen this evening.

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