Wish Fish

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The next morning, I woke up to The Dean for Good's voice over some sort of speaker or megaphone waking us from our slumber. "Good morning," the girls chirped in unison as if they had rehearsed in their sleep. "Good morning," I chirped aswell as I got out of my insanely comfortable bed. The whole night I had been bathing in pillows and duvet soft as clouds and dreamt about the fairytale life that was in front of me. 

We all put on our dresses that already hung on our individual dressing table. Today, a gorgeous white dress with pink roses on it was prepared for me. It had ruffles at the bottom of the dress and on the sleeves that hung beheath my shoulders, a tight part around my waist in the same rosey pattern as the rest of the dress and a variety of different pearl accessories. I sat down and did my hair in a loose updo, letting my soft bangs hang loose over my forehead. I put on my regular makeup (blush, mascara and a hint of pink lipstick) before I got up and slipped on a pair of shiny, white heels.

I looked at the other girls. Most of them had gone all out with their dresses today to make a great first impression on the actual first day of learning. I absolutely adored their large skirts, but I found them impractical on some parts, so I usually only used those kinds of dresses on formal events such as weddings, galas or coronations.

The first class we had today was Beautification. Here, a gorgeous woman named Emma Anemone, was going to teach us how to make any prince fall head over heels for us. "Because a smile is a weapon," she said. "So strike me with your best smile!" she announced. Several girls began to smile, and golden numbers appeared over their heads. Beatrix, of course, got a shiny 1. Now, it was my turn and I formed my most dazzeling smile. "Beautiful Elizabeth," Anemone praised me as a shining 2 appeared above my head. Beatrix looked over at me with a slightly angry look. I only looked away, for I didn't know how to reply to that.

After our Princess Etiquette class, we were having Animal Commuincation with our teacher, Princess Uma. She sat in a chair by a lake, waiting for us. When she spoke, a quiet, shivering sound left her mouth. She looked in such a way that she had to be a princess, graduated from this school. She knew how to speak with almost every sort of animal. She hooted, squeaked, whistled and even barked. And in return, the animals in the forest around us replied with their hoots and barks and such. But now, came the main event of this class. Wish Fish. "You simply put your finger into the water and the fish will read your soul. And if you're one of the lucky ones, they might even grant you your wish," Princess Uma told happily.

First up was Millicent. She placed her finger gently in the water and the white fish started to turn into all sorts of different colors, but no clear image was shown. "What happened?" Millicent asked, dissapointed. "Foggy mind," Princess Uma replied with a slight sigh. Millicent sighed and walked off to let Kiko get her turn. She placed her finger happily into the water and the fish started to rumage around again. Kiko let out a happy squeal when the fish showed the image of a boy with red hair and freckles. "Tristan!" Kiko exclaimed. "I caught his rose at the Welcoming!" she continued as she pulled out her finger and made way for Reena. She put her finger in and the fish showed another boy with brown hair and grey eyes. "Chaddick," she dreamily said to herself with a swooned smile on her face. "Honor Tower, room ten," she blushed and backed away from the water, making way for Beatrix. She put her finger in and the fish showed an image of her and Tedros getting married in gorgeous clothing and crowns. Some of the girls started crying happy tears for her, and I put my arm around Kiko and gave her a soft handkerchief.

The fish showed chisled after chisled chinned Everboys for each individual Evergirl. It was fun to see who was interested in who, and it was mere luck that two of the future princesses weren't interested in the same boy. For that had to cause insane drama and rivalery. Girl after girl came to the fish to see their deepest wish confirmed, and after each girl, my turn came closer. I dreaded it, but there was hardly anything I could do to get put of it, was there?

Now it was my turn. I was nervous, but also just as excited to have my deepest wish displayed in the fish. Just don't think about that Neverboy, I thought to myself as I approached the lake. I dipped my finger carefully into the water and the fish started to change colors and rummage around eachother. I tried to keep my mind off the boy and distract my mind with other things I wished for. A castle of my own, a family, a happily ever after, children of my own, a husband, a boyfriend, the Neverbo- Shit. The Wish Fish had formed a live image of the Neverboy. His black hair and brown eyes made me smile softly, but I quickly snapped out of it and pulled my hand out of the water. I turned and looked at the Evergirls, who stood in shock. "I'm just a, uh.. litte distraced. I had a bad dream with Nevers in it last night," I lied, trying my best to look like a damsel in distress. The Evergirls agreed, wanting to belive me. Because love between an Ever and a Never was forbidden.

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