The Theater of Tales

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The Evers and Nevers were sitting, lined up on bleachers made of wood. The Nevers dressed in black, and the Evergirls in their beautiful dresses. But where were the Everboys? In fact, I hadn't seen a single Everboy for my entire stay. The Evergirls were chatting calmly with eachother in contrast to the Nevers who were yelling, making faces and mocking some of the Evergirls. I was sitting with Beatrix, Millicent, Reena along a girl named Kiko, whose father was a lost of boy of Neverland and mother was a mermaid. The girls were talking about how excited they were to see the boys, and I sat there, listening to them speak and taking mental notes on their conversation. "When, exactly, are the boys arriving?" I asked. "Anytime now!" Kiko replied happily.

The silence was broken by a two headed dog beginning to talk loudly. One of its heads was rafined and well-mannered in contrast to the other one whom seemed pissed. The dogs' names were Pollux and Castor. Pollux was the cheerful one, as Castor was the angry one. "You might have noticed the Everboys being absent, but now, I want to present them! Boys!" Pollux signaled as doors flew open and sixty gorgeous boys marched into the room, waving their swords around. It was all very coordinated and very well rehearsed. The boys were all stunning, but none of the caught my eye. Not even Tedros, the son of King Arthur himself. His golden locks and enchanting eyes were the type to swoon any girl, but someone else caught my eye. And it was a Neverboy. Shit.

His dark hair shone with grease and his black shirt was halfway unbuttoned. He was no Prince Charming, but there was something aluring about him. My parents had tried to set me up with multiple gorgeous suitors, but none of them ever seemed to be my type. I had only read about villains in fairytale books, for my parents never let me go near anything that could be "infected" with evil. And I didn't seem to be the only one that had my heart racing. As he was booing at the Everboys, along with all the other Nevers, he took a glance at me and our eyes met. The world seemed to be going in slow-motion for a moment, but I quickly snapped out of it when I realized what I was doing, and started looking at the Everboys' preformance again.

The boys finished their act with a "Milady!" in unison and threw red roses at the Evergirls. Almost every evergirl caught one. I ended up with a couple in my lap and Beatrix had enough flowers to make a boquet. Tedros was late to throw his rose. He looked at me before he trew it, and seemed distracted. Beatrix waited patiently for his rose, confident that she would get it. He threw the rose and it landed softly between me and Beatrix. She and I looked down at it and then back up at eachother. "You can have it," I smiled. "I already have a couple." She smiled at me and took the rose, careful not to cause it harm. I had seen how much she wanted it and I thought it would be a good idea not to make enemies with her. She seemed like the type to throw a massive fit over boys. She made Reena schooch over to make room for Tedros, patted the empty seat and Tedros came like a trained puppy.

"And now, for the rules and the semester's agenda!" Pollux started. I caught none of what he said, for I was busy with sneaking glances at the dark haired Neverboy. I felt his eyes on me from time to time too. Why, oh why, did it have to be a Neverboy? The Nevers were the only ones that I was supposed to stay away from! Suddenly, I remembered the story of Romeo and Juliet. Could this already be the beginning of my story?

Before I knew it, Pollux and Castor were finished with their speech, and we were all free to go to our dorms. Tedros had already walked up with a couple of other Everboys. "Shall we go together?" Reena asked. Millicent, Kiko and Beatrix thanked yes, but I said I wanted to take a small stroll before I went to our room. "Be quick! I can't wait to move in with you all!" Beatrix rushed. "Of course, I just.." I looked over at the Neverboy, talking with his friends. "I just love flowers and I saw some gorgeous ones put in the garden before! That's all!" I lied. "Spoken like a true princess," Reena complimented as they all stood up. "See you then!" I laughed. "Goodbye!" they all replied in unison as they started to walk away.

I sat at the bleachers for a little while with the red roses I had recieved in my hands. I caressed their pedals as I thought of my illegal feelings. What would happen if I did something? And what would be the punishment? An immedeate fail? I looked up and noticed almost all the students had wondered off, and decided to head off too. I had heard that the Nevers and Evers would be eating lunch together, so I thought I just had to wait until then to talk to the boy. I'd try to do it nonchalantly without anyone noticing. Maybe he'd catch on and go to get his food at the same time I did. There was no way we could meet in secret, wolf guards stood at every corner. I thought of this plan while I walked through the beautiful school, leaving a trail of red petals behind me.

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