chapter 53 the letter

Start from the beginning

Inko;i don't know she won't tell me what's wrong! Tsuyu tell me what's wrong!

*Ryuko snatched the phone while inko started to muttered of everything that could have happened to Izuku*

Ryuko;tsuyu stop holding out on us what happened to Izuku!

Tsuyu;. . .i should have called Mitsuki Kero...

*Tsuyu sighed and took a few breath to deal with inko is a whole event*

Tsuyu: Nothing happened can you please calm in...mother down i can hear her muttering from here and not because of the phone kero

*After a bit Ryuko managed to calm inko down with some tea it took 15 minutes and 4 cups of tea but Inko managed to calm down*

Inko:ok.....ok I'm calm now tell us what's going on

Tsuyu;that's the thing i don't know i was calling izuku but he's not answering and he, always answers or if he's busy he texts me that he'll call me later but today nothing can you both check on him I'm worried Kero

Inko: izuku didn't leave you a message or anything?

Tsuyu:no whenever i call his phone goes straight to voicemail kero

Ryuko:that's odd...

*Ryuko mumbled to herself while inko in the background was starting to get worried again*

Tsuyu:......ok now I'm really worried just got a notification the credit card digital statement izuku just spend money on a alcohol store something must really be wrong kero

Ryuko:the hell happened to the cub don't worry Tsu we're on it

Inko: we'll call you when we reach your house

*Inko hang up and instantly started her muttering again while Ryuko let her run wild grabbing there coats and car keys, she grabbed inko's hand and gently lead her to the car*


*Inko parked the car and both of them got out Inko walking to the door first while in the background Ryuko was dialing tsuyu*

Inside izuku and tsuyu's home

*We see izuku sitting down on the table a bottle of jack Daniels on his left hand, there house was an alcohol free household but today izuku made an exception, he took another swing of the alcoholic drink before looking at the letter holding it in his right hand almost crumbling it with the pressure he was holding it, Izuku didn't even react when he heard the clicking of the door opening*

Inko:honey are you ok? I was going to bring you something to eat at your shop but i saw your were closed

*Inko didn't like to lie but izuku hated when tsuyu would call someone to look after him saying "I'm not a baby and i don't need a babysitter" as they walked deeper inside They didn't hear a response which worried them*

Ryuko:hey cub you here?

*They kept walked inside the house trying to find a light but not finding the switch, they found izuku on the table with the only light on the house turned on a drink in one hand and the letter in the other*

*Inko slowly walked up to him taking the half empy drink out of his hand and pouring it out on the sink, ryuko walked next to him and sat down looking at the letter*

Ryuko:want to tell me what you got there

Izuku:a....letter from Eri

*Izuku and ryuko heard the sound of shattered glass coming from the kitchen for ryuko she got a smile finding it amusing but she looked at izuku with concerned since he didn't even react just kept looking at the letter*

Tsuyu:izuku keroo... gonna open it?

Izuku:i....i don't know....

*Ryuko rubbed izuku's back as izuku took a deep breath*

Izuku: it's been so long since I've even heard of her and now i have a letter, a letter that will probably say how sorry she is scares me, it scares me that i won't be able to give her that apology that my hatred will be there that the memory will still be there i love my daughter but...i don't even know if I'm ready to have her in my life again....

Ryuko:you might not but it might just be what you need to be able to move forward you've told me that you want children in your future how can you have children if you can't even be in the life of the child you do have


Tsuyu:listen to your other mother zuku and to me please....

*Tsuyu's tone sounded so weak and fragile izuku clicked his tongue he hated making tsuyu use that tone he hated having her always be so worried over him*

Tsuyu:you need to take the first step to forgiveness you can only do that by opening the letter i promise you won't be alone you have me, you're parents, even your uncle's we're all here for you

*Izuku took a deep sigh as he looked at the letter slowly he unsealed the letter he looked around and saw his mother giving him a supportive smile while Ryuko was in the background with his laptop putting tsuyu on video call, izuku took a deep breath and slowly took the paper out looking the letter over she could see tried up spots where no doubt tears fell on the page, izuku closed his eyes for a minute before opening them and started to read it*

Letter:hi daddy.......

To be continued or on Patreon

Special thanks to:

Ben knight


Ricardo Cano

Jacob Mooe



nT_wolf 0


Ayham Alqaissi

José Ruiz Dé Austri

George Alves

Thai Nguyen

Trevor Ferguson

Ty Kennedy


Jameil fluker



For you're donations thanks again and happy new years

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