chapter 52 I'm a mechanic not a pro hero

Start from the beginning

*Momo got out of her car and instantly she swapped from civilian mode to hero mode looking at a car in the parking lot*

Momo"i know that car that's Ryuji Goda's car why is the head of a Yakuza branch here?"

*Momo walked at a fast pase to the door walking inside her steps didn't make a sound as she made it to the garage and momo saw izuku talking to Ryuji Goda*

Izuku:and finally i fix that dent your wife gave the poor girl

Ryuji:last time I ever let her drive i promise you that

Izuku:i know the feeling i don't let anyone touch my baby

*Ryuji walked up to izuku's car and touched it making izuku chuckle*

Izuku: of course they're exceptions I'm not gonna say no to the man i pay protection unlike the last person who own this shop

Ryuji:ah yes Mr. Lucky RKO poor lad poor poor lad

Izuku:what ever happened to him?

Ryuji:he forgot to show respect and now let's say he's busy elsewhere

Izuku:that's all i need to know

Ryuji:this is why I like you Midoriya you know when to keep your mouth shut

*Momo had to hold herself to keep from ripping Ryuji Goda's arms as he condescendingly softly slapped izuku's cheek and izuku just took it, momo flinched when she felt the cold metal of the tip of a gun*

Majima:well well what have we here, HEY BOSS?!!

*Izuku and ryuji looked at majima and izuku eyes widen seeing momo there*

Izuku" oh magneto damn it"

*Ryuji walked up to momo holding his weapon on his shoulder looking at the kneeled down momo*

*Ryuji walked up to momo holding his weapon on his shoulder looking at the kneeled down momo*

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Ryuji:well well what do we have here?

Izuku:boss, boss please calm down majima let her go she's a client can you two take it down a level i rather not you scare off my clientele

Majima:really a client then why don't i believe you i got this gut feeling she's not

Izuku:her car is the fancy one next to the boss's car she's a client boss please you know i wouldn't lie do you I'm not dumb enough to lie nor do I care enough of people to stick my neck out for them

Ryuji:....majima let her go

*Majima groaned and did as he was told as ryuji walked passed her with majima following him*

Ryuji:I'll come back for the car later on till then Mr. Midoriya

*Both of them left and izuku took a breath of relief momo got up and looked at izuku like he grew a second head making izuku groan*

Izuku: alright spit it out

Momo:why the hell are you working for a Yakuza?!

Izuku: he's the owner of the land under my shop can't exactly say no to the man

Momo:then why didn't you...

Izuku:momo look around and i mean really.look.around.

*Momo did and she knew what izuku was implying that didn't mean she had to like it*

Izuku:yeah this isn't exactly the best neighborhood just yesterday the shop in front of mine got broken in to and robbed and shot up on the block the cops didn't even came when the owner call them

Momo:that's ridiculous what about the pro heroes?

Izuku:now your being ridiculous why do you think you only found me by chance? This is a bad neighborhood and a small one this is the kind of place where the pro heroes ignore it since there never gonna make it big since no body cares there hasn't been a hero here since before either of us was even existed hell when our grandparents were kids this place still didn't have a pro hero watching over it

Momo:what about you?

Izuku:what about me? I'm a mechanic not a pro hero, I'm a civilian a crippled civilian i might add i don't have any way of fighting back nor do I want to fight back

Momo:how can you say that? The people in this place need a hero! You need to fight back!

Izuku:fight back? Are you out of your god-damned mind? I'm not fighting back it took me years to be in the boss good side it comes with a lot of benefits I'm not gonna lose them just to play hero

Momo:izuku you can still be a hero you can be the heroes this neighborhood needs!

Izuku:i don't see you volunteering to move here Yaoyorozu your more then welcome to be that hero but me? Fuck no I've giving enough to the world it's time to be selfish and take care of myself and my loved one

*Both looked at each other with different expressions on there faces for momo she was shocked and a bit disgusted at izuku's words her izuku would never give up like that he would fight until he's last breath and die with a smile that he at least tried to help, for izuku he just looked at momo with tired eyes was he disgusted by himself? A little but he didn't care he didn't have the strength to care all izuku wants to do is live a peaceful life and if others have to suffer for him to live in peace then so be it*

Momo:i....i just came to give you this

*Momo took out the letter and gave it to izuku*

Izuku:what is this?

Momo; it's....a letter from Eri

*Izuku flinched and he looked down at the letter as momo turned away her mood for lunch or any other kind of food disappeared*

Momo:please read it she still sees you as a hero..... she's not the only one

*Momo walked away leaving izuku alone in his garage still looking at the letter, he read the envelope and almost chocked up*

Letter:to daddy from your little candy apple princess

To be continued  or on Patreon

Special thanks to:

Ben knight


Ricardo Cano

Jacob Mooe



nT_wolf 0


Ayham Alqaissi

José Ruiz Dé Austri

George Alves

Thai Nguyen

Trevor Ferguson

Ty Kennedy


Jameil fluker



For you're donations thanks again

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