You see Monoculus is at your level that you grab out your crowbar and run toward him to beat him up. Suddenly you and a couple of guys vanished as Monoculus Teleport away. 

You look at your surroundings. You're on a small trail where in the background, you see a skull. 

"What are you waiting for!? Run toward the light!" Scout said as he ran past you. 

You were confused, but your health is running low that you have no choice but to run toward the light. You were less than 10 health, but fortunately, you made it to the light that you came out glowing red and you switched to your shotgun firing at Monoculus. The fight was brutal and long until you, the red and the blu finally took him down. 

The sky is still dark but that doesn't stop you or the red team from fighting against the blu team. 

As you're firing at the blu team, your heart sank as you spotted blu Demoman's has his eye heal as well. 

You turn your head to the blu Thief who happened to be on scene. You run toward the blu Thief and shoot them in the leg. They fall on their knees as they let out a grunt, until you grab them by the ear which they cry out in pain as you drag them away from the blu and the reds. 

You threw the blu Thief down. They grunt in pain and squint their eyes. 

"What's your problem!? I get it you hate me and wanted me dead so badly, but there's no reasons to be a d-" 

You shot them by the shoulder, "did you ask YOUR Medic to heal YOUR Demoman's eye!?" 

"Yeah… so?" 

"So? SO!?" You raised your voice, "DO YOU HAVE ANY BLOODY IDEA WHAT WE'VE BEEN THROUGH!?!?" 

"Hate to be off topic red me, but have you been hanging out with Sniper and Demo for too long?" 

You give them the death glare, "THIS IS FUCKING SERIOUS!!! I SWEAR TO GOD I'M  ABOUT TO LOSE MY SH-" 

Before you can finish, you and the blu Thief turn toward the directions where the blu Demoman is screaming in agony as Monoculus is trying to crawl out of his eye socket. 

"Ah shit… here we go again," you muttered before glaring at blu Thief. 

Blu Thief rolled their eyes, "it's not my fault that Medic took my suggestion to heal his eye." 

"Zat's not true schweinhund. Jou keep insisting me to heal Demoman's eye despite mein warning!" Blu Medic protested. 

"Ha! He called you a schweinhund!" You laughed. The blu Thief didn't say anything but responded by backstabbing you. 

You cried out in pain, "YOU BITCH!!"  

They shrug, "sorry not sorry." 


After hours of fighting Monoculus and the blu team, you and the red team walk back to the base exhausted. 

You thought you had seen everything, but boy you were wrong. You plan on taking a shower, but first you want to pay Medic a visit. You head to medbay and knock on the door, not giving a shit what Medic would do to you. 

"Ja?" Medic asked. 

"Medic open the door! We need to talk!" 

There wasn't any response behind the door, but you can hear his footsteps coming toward the door and opening it. You were greeted by his annoyed look. 

"Are jou dying zis time?" 

You squint your eyes, "does it look like I'm bleeding out?" 

Medic roll his eyes, "I vas joking dummkopf." 

"Are you?" You asked as you placed your hands on your hips. 

"Vhat do jou need?" He asked. 

"What I need is a private chat," you reply.

Medic holds the door for you to come in, you thank the Medic (for being a gentleman) and walk in. Only to be greeted by Archimedes as he landed on your shoulder. 

"Hey little guy," you said as you gently stroke his feather. 

"So Y/N," Medic said as he clasp his hands together, "vhat do jou need to talk about?" 

"It's about Demoman's eye," you replied.

"Vhat about it?" He asked, sounding a bit annoyed. 

"Why didn't you tell me that his eye has some kind of black magic or some weird voodoo shit?" 

Medic rolled his eyes, "I did told jou zat dummkopf, but noooo. Jou didn't believe in mein medical opinion and keep being persistent zat I should heal his eye." 

"Because you said 'in my medical opinion, his eye socket is haunted,'"you said as you're trying to impersonate Medic's voice. "What did you expect from me? That I would blindly trust you and say 'okay Medic, if you said so.'"

Medic glares at you as you glare back at him with your arms crossed. 

Medic rolled his eyes, "vhatever, vhat is done is done! Now jou know vhat to expect despite me trying to educate jou." 

"You're such a great teacher, I can't wait for you to enlighten me!" 

"Ack, take zat sarcasm somewhere else!" 

"Oh, I will! Also do me a favor, go find a person to operate and surprise me why don't you!?" 


"Fine!" You said slamming his door and stomping your feet as you walked away. 

"Ah Y/N! Dere you are!" Scout said, running up to you. 

"What do you want Scout!?" 

"Whoa, didn't expect dat attitude comin' from you? Isn’t dat time of the month?" 

You look at Scout with a serious look. 

"I'll take dat as a yes, even though you're a-" 


Scout put his hands up in the air in defense, "okay! I'll stop!" He places his hands down, "anyway, Miss Pauling is coming over with some role-playing games. And dah guys and I agree dat we all should dress up for Halloween."

"What are you dressing up as?" You asked. 

"A chicken," he replied. 

You tried to hold in your laughter but you burst out laughing causing Scout to frown. 

"What's so funny Y/N?" 

You point at Scout, "you, wearing a chicken. It fits you so well!" You laughed as Scout looked offended. 

"Oh yeah? What are you dressing for Halloween?" Scout asked, crossing his arms. 

You stop laughing and pause, "honestly I don't know yet." 

Scout smirks, "you can dress up as a crook, since you're a thief!" 

"Nah, that will be very predictable, and I'm not that boring." 

Scout wraps his arm around you and playfully messes your hair as you try to escape from his grip. 

"Scout!" You laughed. 

Scout chuckled at your reaction and let you go. "I hope you figured out what costume to wear! See ya later!" He said, waving his hand as he ran off. 

"See ya dork."

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