Chapter 13

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When you finish eating the sandvich and refresh. You're ready to meet up with Heavy in the training room.

"You ready leetle Zeif?"


"Good! First you must do push-ups!"

"How many push-ups?" you asked.

"500," he replied, causing your cocky smile to drop.

"500!? Don't you think that's a little too much for someone like me?"

"Don't tell Heavy you're being a baby."

"What? Pft, I'm not a baby! I just think it's a little too much, also I have to train with the others, I don't like to keep them waiting that long and I'm sure that you have more to teach me."

"Hmm," Heavy places his hand on his chin, then he shrugs it off, "fair enough. Tell you what tiny Zeif, you will give Heavy 100 push ups, then you will show Heavy what you got. Deal?"

"Deal!" you said. Feeling a bit pumped up, you started to do some push-ups. Heavy is impressed that you start the push-ups right away unlike Scout. Scout mostly complained and refused to do push-ups, unless Heavy bribed him with a sandvich or when Miss Pauling is around. Scout tries so hard to impress her.

When you reach 50, you can feel the burn and the more you try to push yourself even further, your arms shake like jelly. You can't stop nor show any signs of weakness here, you either push your limits or die trying!

"98...99...100" you sighed out of exhaustion as you can feel your arms shaking and sore which for sure you'll feel more sore tomorrow.

"Good job leetle Zief, now hit me!"

You give Heavy a puzzled look, "say that again, I'm not sure if I'm hearing that right."

"I said hit me."

"Hit you?"


Still puzzled, you decide to give it a jab. Heavy wasn't fazed at all, "that's all you got baby Zief?"


"You called that a good punch? You punched like baby man!"

At first you were confused who he was referring to, but shortly you caught on, shaking your head, "what Scout? No way! I don't think he can throw fist at people, he mostly relies on his baseball bat to take anyone out!"

You still remember that he's the reason why you're here in the first place. If it weren't for his speed and his baseball bat, you would be paid and do whatever it takes to survive. Even though you had the opportunity to leave, but you pretty much want to stick around just to see how it will end even if it means you're most likely to end up in prison or killed.

"If you think you're better than him, punch me again. Heavy will not attack you, unless you do something that will upset Heavy."

You gulp, knowing how you dealt with people, the last thing you want to do is to upset them, especially someone who looks like they can take on a bear. You don't want to upset those types of people.

"O-okay," you said. You punch Heavy as hard as you possibly can. Again, Heavy isn't fazed by it at all. Heavy turned his head to you with a disapproving look. Causing you to gulp, hoping that you didn't wake the bear up with a stick.

"Is this all you got? Your punch is weak. You need to grow some muscles!"

"Hurtful," you muttered. Looking up to Heavy, you gain some courage to defend yourself, "I may not have the muscles to fight, but I do have the brains to do what it takes to survive! Even if the odds are stacked against me, I'll die trying!"

Heavy place his hand on your shoulder, causing your heart to jump as your thoughts are filled with panic. You mentally prepared yourself as you thought you were about to get punched in the face, but as you look at Heavy. You see his smile that you don't often expect from someone that you're going to fight and work with. The next thing y/n didn't expect when Heavy began to speak.

"You talk big but fight like babies. However, Heavy is admired by your courage and determination. Leetle Zief better not lose sight of those things."

You nod your head, as tears begin to welled up in your eyes, causing Heavy to look at you with concern.

"Ees Leetle Zief alright?"

"Yeah, don't worry about it. Just got something in my eyes, that's all," you sniffed, wiping tears away. "Anyway, I should get going. Sniper is probably waiting for me."

"You sure Leetle Zief?"

"I'm sure, maybe I'll come to you whenever I have any question. Thank you."

You walk away before Heavy could say something. Heavy have no idea what just happened and why you suddenly walk off. Maybe he must have said or done something that got you upset. Heavy just shrugs and walks off to get his precious sandvich.

Meanwhile as you walk to Sniper's watch tower, you feel a little strange with this feeling. You would often shake people's words off or just go with the flow, but you can't shake Heavy's words off you. Even how he puts a hand on your shoulder with some reassuring smile on his face. That's something you don't often receive throughout your life.

'Thank you Heavy, I'm sorry I walked off like that. I'm not used to hearing positive feedback, but I'll try not to disappoint you or the others!'

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