Chapter 15

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"Alroight. Scout, what Oi want you to do is be out in the field."

"Easy!" Scout said, running out to the field.

While Sniper is preparing his rifle, Demoman walks by with a pack of beers and holding one beer in his other hand.

"Hey Demo!"

"Hey Lad/Lass, what are you guys up to?" he asked before taking a sip.

Before you say a word, Sniper casually answer Demo's question, "Having Y/N to practice shooting which is why Oi used Scout to be a target practice for today."

You look at Sniper with shock while Demoman instantly spits out his drink and looks at Sniper with disbelief.

"Hey, what's with the hold up!? I'm gettin' bored out here!" Scout yelled. Sadly for Scout no one is even paying attention to him, which he can't really do anything except grumble to himself.

"Sniper you're jokin' roight?" Demo asked.

"Nope, Oi'm dead serious."

"I have two questions, first if I shot Scout would he be dead and would I get in trouble for it? Second, why?" you asked with a puzzled look toward Sniper.

"Relax Sheila/Mate, Scout will be foine. Even if you manage to shoot him, that will be Medic's problem not moine nor yours. Also Scout has been gettin' on moine nerves lately and he needs to be taught a lesson."

"Why does Y/N have to be the one shootin' the Lad?"

"This ain't your business Demo, go back to drinkin' your beer," Sniper responded.

Demo was to respond but he shrugs it off and walks off drinking his booze. You look at Demo and then at Sniper with disbelief and utter confusion.

'Do they hate each other's guts or am I missing something?'

"Here you go, now aim at that little ankle biter!" he said, handing you the rifle.

"Okay," you said, taking the rifle, aiming at the Scout's foot.

"Aim for the head."

You lower the rifle staring at Sniper with shock, "you really want me to shoot him in the head!? Isn't that friendly fire?"

"Oi already explained it to you, he will be foine."

You sighed, aiming for the head and pulling the trigger.

While Scout is talking to himself, he hears the loud bang only to see the bullet flying above his head. "What the!?" Scout removed his hat only to find a bullet hole. "MY HAT!!!" he scream and then glares at Sniper and Y/N. "WHAT THE HELL YOUR GUYS PROBLEM!?!?"

Sniper chuckled, "Oi told you that you're going to be Y/N's target practice for today."

"Hmph, is dat how you're going to play?" Scout smirked as he thought to himself. 'Y/N is goin' to have a bad time!'

"Again," Sniper commanded.

You look at Sniper with a questioning look, but you aim at Scout's head and pull the trigger. The bullet flies toward Scout, however, Scout has the cocky smirk and instantly gets out of harm's way.

"MISS ME!!" Scout taunt.

This time without any hesitation, you reload the rifle, aiming at Scout and pull the trigger. Only for Scout again dodging bullets without a problem and taunting you more.

'You little shit...'

You tighten the grip, non stop pulling the trigger, hoping that at least one bullet will hit Scout. Unfortunately Scout is still in one piece taunting the living hell out of you. You can feel your blood boil through your veins, as you tighten the grip more and try to be more focused.

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