Chapter 14

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You reach the watchtower where you can hear a loud BANG from Sniper's rifle weapon. You stare at the height of the watchtower as you can feel your jaw open a little as the anxiety enters your body. You shake your head, "come on Y/N, you can do this, you climb high before..." You place your hand on the bar as you look up to see how far you have to climb up.

'I never climbed on the ladder nor went that high up before...'

You grip on the bar as tight as you can as you climb yourself up. As you climb up, you can feel your entire body shaking as you can feel sweat forming in your hands.

"I hate this... I hate this..." you muttered to yourself repeatedly as you climbed yourself up. When you get yourself at the top, you decide to look down. You instantly regret it as you can feel your heart drop to your stomach as the uneasy feeling lingers.

"Bloody hell, you're awful," Sniper said with a light chuckle, as he watched you having a mental breakdown.

"Can I climb back down or at least take a breather, before you train me?"

"Oi wouldn't climb down, especially when you look loike a petty child."

You give Sniper the 'what the hell' look, causing Sniper to chuckle at your reaction.

"Meantime Oi can serve you some coffee if you like mate/sheila."

"I would like that, thanks Snipe."

"No worries mate/sheila."

When you're finally loosen up and finished drinking your coffee that Sniper had offered you. You head to Sniper where he practices shooting at the targets.

"Alright! I'm ready to learn!" you said, looking all determined.

"Good! Here's the rifle mate/sheila. Show me what you got!" he said, handling the rifle. You take the rifle and hold the rifle. As Sniper watches, he notices that the butt isn't on your shoulder tightly, you're not leaning forward and one of your eyes is too close to the scope. When you pull the trigger, the rifle recoils, causing you to curse out and stumble back as the scope immediately hits your eye. You end up dropping the rifle as you yelp, use your hand to cover up your eye while Sniper is chuckling at the scene.

You turn to him with a glare, "what's so funny!?"

"Oi knew you were awful, but Oi didn't expect you to be this bloody awful!" he laughed.

You rolled your eyes, "haha, very funny... Instead of laughing at me, can you pass me the medkits?"

"Relax mate/sheila," he said, as he grabbed the medkits and handed them to you. You take the medkits that your wounded eye instantly heals and you're trying to comprehend what the hell just happened.

'Is this even possible!? How the hell is he so calm about this situation!?'

"You did see that right Snipe? Cause I just hope I'm not the only one who witnessed that!? Healing takes time even if I took the medicine from the doctors, how is it possible that I'm completely healed!?"

"If you want to know, ask the crazy doctor. He will tell you."

"And you can't?"

"Not my business. We're getting sidetracked here, less talking, more training! Now, hand me back my rifle."

You hand him his rifle and watch him how he holds it.

"You need to have the butt of the rifle on your shoulder. It needs to be firm and tight when it recoils, you won't be forced to stumble backwards or drop it. Another thing is to distance your dominant eye from the scope or else you will get a scope bite."

"Should have told me earlier before I pulled the trigger..." you muttered

"If Oi do that, how are you going to learn your mistakes?"

You open your mouth trying to respond to his question, but you close your mouth as if he's making a point here. Sniper chuckles, before handing his rifle back to you. You take his rifle and this time you place the butt firmly on your shoulder. You distance your dominant eye from the scope, however there is one thing that Sniper didn't tell you and he didn't realize until he saw that you didn't lean forward.

"Y/N wait! Oi forgot to mention that you must lean forward."

"Okay," you said. You lean forward as you aim at the target and pull the trigger. The bullet hit the edge of the target.

"Not bad Mate/Sheila, you could have done better, but Oi'll give you some slack there. Now, let's give you something more challenging."


"Follow me!" he said.

Following Sniper, you stop and your heart drops when he climbs down the ladder. You carefully place your feet on the bars and slowly climb down.

"What's the hold up mate/sheila?"

You stop looking down, only to find Sniper already at the bottom. 'How the hell did he get down there so fast!?'

"You know what, keep climbing down, Oi'll be right back. Oi need to get Scout."

"Ah hell no! You're not bringing him here just to have him make fun of me are you!?"

"That's up to you, Oi'll be grabbing him. You better be quick or that's on you."

You watch Sniper walk off until he's no longer in your sight. You try to climb down, but your legs refuse to lift its feet and you can feel yourself overthinking that there's a good chance of falling and not making it out alive.

"I hate this..." you muttered to yourself as you slowly and shakily took another step down the ladder. Taking another step down, you hear a familiar loud cocky voice from a distance that you rolled your eyes. "Great... just who I need..."

"Are you freakin' serious!?" Scout laughed, "who da hell hired dis Thief!? I cannot believe dis! I never thought dat you're afraid of heights!"

"I am not!" you pouted not paying attention to your surroundings, causing you to almost falling off but you instantly held onto the bar for your dear life, "I'm just afraid of falling... that's all."

"Basically afraid of heights. Also Sniper why da hell am I here? Just to make fun of Y/N?"

"Fuck off Scout!" you growled.

"No. Oi'm not bringing you here to make fun of Y/N" Sniper responded.

"Why in the world would you bring this cocky bastard here?"

"Hey! I am not cocky! You just have no clue idea how cool I am!"

"You're not cool! You're anno-"

"Enough both of you! Oi'm here to train Y/N! Not babysitting both of you! You either stop fighting or you both can piss off and fight somewhere else!"

You and Scout instantly went silent but continued giving each other death glares. You can't wait to use a rifle on him just to shut him up, but at the same time you wonder if this is allowed even if they're just training you. You will find out soon. 

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